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A process monitor that watches a single out-of-process server on behalf of a dynamically loaded plugin running within the context of a host application.

Attendant was written for use in an NPAPI plugin, but there is no NPAPI specific code here. I imagine that Attendant could work with any similar plugin architecture, where a host application loads a plugin that is implemented as dynamically linked library.

Attendant allows a plugin to launch a single server process. With this single server process you can implement your plugin as a proxy to an out-of-process server that performs the real work of the plugin. It isolates the complexity of the plugin in a separate process, so that catastrophic errors will kill only the plugin server, and not the host application.

Attendant is supposed to monitor only the single server process. The server process will start when the library loads. The server process will shutdown when the library is unloaded and cannot be restarted. If the server process exits before shutdown, the exit is considered abnormal, and recovery ensues.

This behavior is proscribed, intentional and not a limitation of the Attendant's ability. It is a limitation of the Attendant's scope.

If you need to launch multiple processes to service your plugin, then make the first process you launch a process that monitors your flock of processes. Attendant is not a general purpose process monitor, it focues on the challenges of monitoring a single process in the context of a host application that may or may not expect plugins to launch child processes. It isolates the plugin server process from the host application and vice versa.

The Attendant is only a process monitor. It does not provide a API for communication between the plugin stub and the plugin process.

You can initialize inter-process communication using command line arguments and the redirected standard I/O pipes. You can commicate using named pipes or TCP/IP sockets.

You might decide that standard I/O is sufficient for inter-process communication between your plugin stub and the plugin process. You are still responsible for desiging a protocol that will use the standard I/O pipes.

Attendant may not work with all host applications, but it does its best to be as unobtrusive as possible. It forks and execs calling only async-safe system calls to dup the pipes that redirect stdio. It then execs an intermediate program that closes file descriptors inherited form the host applications and ensure that signal handers are returned to their default disposition. The intermediate program then launches your plugin server program.

The plugin API may be supported my numerous applications, meaning that your plugin may be loaded into host applications with different architectures. Attendant monitors your process even thought it might not be able to do traditional process monitoring because the host application has employed signals and is waiting on all child processes for its own process monitoring needs.

You might be in a multi-threaded application, where forked proceses can only make async-safe system calls, anything less is thread-unsafe. You might be in an multi-process application, that has registered its own signal handlers, and treats your child process as one of its own workers. You don't have control over signal handlers. You don't know who's going to reap your child process. You don't know what file descriptors your child process will inherit.

This required a lot of careful reading of man pages, so I've annotated the code thurougly, in literate programming style, formatted for reading after passing it though a fork of Docco I doctored to handle C's multi-line comments. I'm going to remind myself now that the comments are supposed to assist my recolection when the time comes to consider fork and exec once again.

Drop Off

When we fork our server process, we are going to execve immediately. Assuming the most fragile state possible, we will be sure not to make any system calls that are not async-safe, allocate no memory, twiddle and mutexes.

At the time of writing, this code is indended for use on OS X, Linux and Windows, to be dynamically linked into a running instance of Safari, Firefox or Chrome. Here are the considerations for these environments.

Safari and Firefox have multi-threaded architectures, while Chrome has a multi-process architecture. Fork and threads do not mix well. This creates two sets of considerations.

For the multi-threaded architectures, fork can come as a surprise, distrubing the state mutexes, stomping on the mutexes used to make traditional global functions thread safe.

Chrome, on the other hand, is already launching processes. It has signal handlers installed, and is waiting on process completion. It's attempts to communicate with its child processes might be confused by additional child processes that it didn't launch itself. Also, it might swallow signals that we'll depend upon to monitor the server process.

The concerns raised by these architectures will be discussed and addressed in the code below in the literate programming style.

We're going to program defensively, to isolate our server process as quickly as possible, as completely as possible. We're not up for the challenge of

There is a third possible architecture which is the multi-fubar architecture that has done all that it can to create a fragile environment for monitoring child processes. We'll attempt to address some of these issues as well.

From Down Below

Mozilla has nsIProcess. This is a scriptable interface that allows add-on developer to launch a process, so it is analogous to what we're doing here. The Linux implementation of nsIProcess optionally establishes pipes for stdio, but closes them if pipes are not desired, so that the forked process does not inherit the browsers stdio handles.

Mozilla makes no attempt to close file any other handles. It has a an OS abstraction library that sets optional FD_CLOEXEC on file handles that are created based on an "inheritable" switch. Whether that switch is ever on is difficult to determine, but it looks like no, so it would appear that file handles are generally not inheritable in Mozilla, and closed on exec.

Safari WebKit doesn't appear to call FD_CLOEXEC when it opens files or sockets, so we might have a few lying around.

Our multi-process architecture Google Chrome, might be caught off gaurd when child processes are launched that are not its own, but it sets up the environment for proper child handling. It chooses the file handles that a child process will inherit carefully, but it seems like it does this right before a fork, and all other handles are set to close on exec.

Our third architecture is the unknown future multi-headache one where there is grief is optimum. That would be a host application that has a phenominal number of file handles open and ready to inherit.

In any case, we're going to loop through all the open handles and close the ones that are not stdio.

The worst case is we have an enormous number of open file hanldes that we have to close. The best case is that we have none. The error case is that here are no handles left to get the handles we need to close the handles.

TODO Occurs to me that we ought to insist that pipes are only used at startup, to bootstrap a different form of IPC. We don't allow the pipes to be used as the primary form of IPC. You can use the pipes to negotiate a TCP/IP port or a named pipe, then use that for IPC. This means we can do something to prevent SIGPIPE, plus, close the redirected standard I/O after the bootstrapping is complete.

We would move to a startup model that had a starter and a connector.

Does this make it easier? Won't know until I integrate. Keeping standard I/O around doesn't seem to be a big win.

Throw open Helicon now, goddesses, move your songs. — Dante

#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <poll.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>

Local includes.

#include "attendant.h"
#include "eintr.h"
#include "errors.h"

The abend handler will be called from a thread that is watching the process, so if you supply a callback, be sure to be thread-safe.

You are probably going to restart the server process, which means that you'll have to reinitialize your library to use it. Any variables visibile to both this function and your library need to be guarded by a mutex.

And no, don't just make a variable volatile and think that will cover it. It needs to be gaurded by a mutex to flush memory accross CPU cores.

TODO Re-docco.

typedef void (*starter_t)(int restart);

TODO Document.

typedef void (*connector_t)(attendant__pipe_t in, attendant__pipe_t out);

Global State

We have a collection of conditions used to alert blocking stub functions of a change in state in the server process.

struct cond {

Server is running or it will never run again.

  pthread_cond_t  running;  

Server has shutdown.

  pthread_cond_t  shutdown; 

Used for sake of timed wait.

  pthread_cond_t  getgpid;  


For testing we keep a trace log. This is not a production log. If this is enabled during production, tracing will stop when the array of poitns is filled.

#ifdef _DEBUG
struct trace {

Each entry is a formatted string representing a trace point.

  char *points[256];

The current count of log entries.

  int count;

Gaurd for thread-safe traceing.

  pthread_mutex_t mutex;      

The one and only process we watch. Static variables are gathered into this structure so that when reading the code below, it is easy to see which are static variables and which are local variables.

struct process {

Absolute path to the relay program.

  char *relay;

Arguments to pass to relay program, starting with the absolute path to the plugin server program.

  char **argv;

The file descriptor inherited by server process that when closed indicates that the server process has died.

  int canary;

User supplied server progress program start.

  starter_t starter;

User supplied plugin stub to server process IPC initialization.

  connector_t connector;

SIGCHLD is not SIG_IGN so waitpid will block on specific pid.

  short waitable;

The process pid.

  pid_t pid;

Server is running.

  short running;

The server is recovering from unexpected exit.

  short restarting;

Shutdown is pending and exit is expected.

  short shutdown;

A count of the number of times that the server has started and restarted.

  int instance;

The attendant error code and system error code for last thing that went wrong.

  struct attendant__errors errors;

Thread local storage key for thread local storage of instance count.

  pthread_key_t key;          

Gaurd process variables referenced by both the stub functions running in the plugin threads and the server process management threads.

  pthread_mutex_t mutex;      

Collection of conditions.

  struct cond cond;

The server process launcher thread.

  pthread_t launcher;

The server process reaper thread.

  pthread_t reaper;

We create seven pipes, so we create an array of seven pipe pairs. We then refer to the pipes by name in code using the defines below that map the pipe name to a pipe index.

  attendant__pipe_t pipes[7][2];            

Tracing variables. See above.

#ifdef _DEBUG
  struct trace trace;


The variable structure for our once and only instance of the plugin attendant.

static struct process process;


The collection of pipes in the process structure is indexed using constants. There are seven pipes. Three are the expected pipes for stdio. Attendant makes use of the EPIPE error to detect that a child process has exited, or that a pipe with the FD_CLOEXEC flag set was closed on exec when exec was called. This is how we monitor our child process, because waitpid might be disabled by the host application.

One pipe for each io stream.

#define PIPE_STDIN  0
#define PIPE_STDOUT 1
#define PIPE_STDERR 2

The fork pipe reports a successful fork initialization. We listen to the fork pipe for an error number, or a zero, or report if it closes mysteriously.

#define PIPE_FORK   3

The exec pipe reports a successful exec. It guards against a race condition where we've forked but not execed, and the client library calls scram, which sends a kill SIGKILL, but not to our server process, but to the fork process. Not the end of the world, but I'd rather send a SIGTERM to the fork process, instead of SIGKILL.

#define PIPE_RELAY   4

The reaper thread will listen to the canary pipe, the other end is held by the running child server process. When the pipe closes and we get an EPIPE error, it means the plugin server process has exited. This is how we monitor the child server process without relying on waitpid being functional.

#define PIPE_CANARY   5

The reaper thread will poll the canary pipe above, listening for the library server process exit. At the same time it will poll this instance pipe, which is used by the plugin stub to wake the reaper thread and tell it to forcibly retart the plugin server process. The plugin server process may have become unresponsive, but may not have exited. The plugin stub will detect this as IPC calls timeout, while the reaper thread can only detect exit.

#define PIPE_REAPER   6

Process is one static structure, one process launched per library. It would be easy enough to make this an API that has a handle, but if you did want to run and watch a handful of server processes, it would better to make the first process you launch that monitor, because you'll have complete control over the environment, and your process monitoring strategy can take the shape that best suits the needs of your application.

All we're trying to do here is get one process cleanly spun off form the host application. We don't want the host application monitoring dozens of workers.

Link one of these to your library, and you're good to go.


Format a logging message and write it to the log file.

#ifdef _DEBUG
void trace(const char* function, const char* point) {
  char buffer[64];
  (void) pthread_mutex_lock(&process.trace.mutex);
  if (process.trace.count < (sizeof(buffer) / sizeof(char)) - 1) {
    sprintf(buffer, "[%s/%s]", function, point);

At times, I'll insert a fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", buffer); right here to see what's happening as it happens.

    //fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", buffer);
    process.trace.points[process.trace.count++] = strdup(buffer);
  (void) pthread_mutex_unlock(&process.trace.mutex);

static char** tracepoints() {
  return process.trace.points;
#define trace(function, breakpoint) ((void)0)


Test the given condition and if it is true, record the given plugin attendant error code and goto the given label. The label will mark an exit point for the function, were cleanup will be performed.

#define FAIL(cond, message, label) \
  do { \
    if (cond) { \
      set_error(message); \
      goto label; \
    } \
  } while (0)

Does nothing. Launched at initialization using the reaper thread handle, so that the initial launcher has a reaper thread to join.

static void* kickoff(void *data) {
  return NULL;

Close a pipe if it is not already closed.

static void close_pipe(int pipeno, int direction) {
  if (process.pipes[pipeno][direction] != -1) {
    process.pipes[pipeno][direction] = -1;

Record the given plugin attendant error code along with the current system error number.

static void set_error(int error) {
  if (process.errors.attendant == 0) {
    process.errors.attendant = error;
    process.errors.system = errno;

initalize — Called as the dynamic library is loaded. Must be called before the plugin server process can be started.

static int initalize(struct attendant__initializer *initializer)
  struct sigaction sigchld;
  pthread_condattr_t attr;
  int i, pipeno, err;

Otherwise, what's the point?

  FAIL(initializer->starter == NULL, INITIALIZE_STARTER_REQUIRED, fail);
  process.starter = initializer->starter;

  FAIL(initializer->connector == NULL, INITIALIZE_CONNECTOR_REQUIRED, fail);
  process.connector = initializer->connector;

The user gets to chose the canary file descriptor on UNIX.

  process.canary = initializer->canary;

Take note of the location of the relay program.

  process.relay = strdup(initializer->relay);

Initialize the pipes to -1, so we know that they are not open.

  for (i = PIPE_STDIN; i <= PIPE_REAPER; i++) {
    process.pipes[i][0] = process.pipes[i][1] = -1;

Create our mutex and signaling device.

  (void) pthread_mutex_init(&process.mutex, NULL);

Initialize thread conditions. These are used to by threads to wait for another thread to change the state of static variables.

For Linux, we set a condition attribute CLOCK_MONOTONIC, which causes the condition to use a monotonic clock when it times the timeout for a wait.

A monotonic clock is one that always increases at a steady rate, independent of the system clock, so that if someone sets the the system clock back an hour while we're waiting on a 250 millisecond timeout, we don't end up waiting for that extra hour.

To get system clock safe timeouts on Darwin, we use a different strategy. See pthread_cond_waitforabit.

Initialize thread conditions.

  (void) pthread_condattr_init(&attr);

  (void) pthread_condattr_setclock (&attr, CLOCK_MONOTONIC);

  (void) pthread_cond_init(&process.cond.running, &attr);
  (void) pthread_cond_init(&process.cond.shutdown, &attr);
  (void) pthread_cond_init(&process.cond.getgpid, &attr);

  (void) pthread_condattr_destroy (&attr);

Initialize the thread local storage key used to track the instance count when a plugin stub threads invokes retry.

  (void) pthread_key_create(&process.key, free);

If the state of SIGCHLD is SIG_IGN the host application wants the kernel to take care of zombies, and waitpid is usless for our purposes.

We need a waitpid that will block until the child process exits. When SIG_IGN is in play, waitpid blocks until all children exit, and then it returns an ECHILD error. We're not monitoring our server process if that is the case.

It is far too presumptuous for a plugin to fix this by setting a signal handler for SIGCHLD. That is, an application that was counting on the kernel to reap children would probably not notice if we installed a canonical SIGCHLD handler that reaped children, but its not our place. Of course, setting SIGCHLD to SIG_DFT would certianly make zombies of any children created by the host application that expects them to be reaped.

We take not of the state here. If SIGCHLD is ignored, we won't call waitpid at exit, but intead poll using the pid.

Determine if the SIGCHILD is ignored.

  sigaction(SIGCHLD, NULL, &sigchld);
  process.waitable = sigchld.sa_handler != SIG_IGN;

The plugin stub will wait for ready, so instance will be one or more before retry is called.

  process.instance = 0;

Nope. Only after the initial call to start.

  process.running = 0;

Ensure that the launcher thread has a reaper thread to join.

  pthread_create(&process.reaper, NULL, kickoff, NULL);

We will preserve the same file descriptors on the plugin stub end of the stdio pipes between restarts. The launcher thread is going to expect a previous set, so we create it here to get the ball rolling.

  for (pipeno = PIPE_STDIN; pipeno <= PIPE_STDERR; pipeno++) {
    err = pipe(process.pipes[pipeno]);
    FAIL(err == -1, INITIALIZE_CANNOT_CREATE_STDIN_PIPE + pipeno, fail);

We can close the file descriptors of the plugin server side now. We're not going to actually use these particular pipes.

  close_pipe(PIPE_STDIN, 0);
  close_pipe(PIPE_STDOUT, 1);
  close_pipe(PIPE_STDERR, 1);

Create the instance pipe, which will remain open until the plugin attendant is destroyed.

  err = pipe(process.pipes[PIPE_REAPER]);

No child process should inherit the instance pipe.

  fcntl(process.pipes[PIPE_REAPER][0], F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);
  fcntl(process.pipes[PIPE_REAPER][1], F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);

Initialize tracing mutex.

#ifdef _DEBUG
  (void) pthread_mutex_init(&process.trace.mutex, NULL);

  trace("initialize", "success");

TODO: What is success?

  return 0;


If we fail, then we close any pipes we might have opened.

  close_pipe(PIPE_STDIN, 0);
  close_pipe(PIPE_STDIN, 1);

  close_pipe(PIPE_STDOUT, 0);
  close_pipe(PIPE_STDOUT, 1);

  close_pipe(PIPE_STDERR, 0);
  close_pipe(PIPE_STDERR, 1);

  close_pipe(PIPE_REAPER, 0);
  close_pipe(PIPE_REAPER, 1);

  return -1;


If someone or something, say NTP, resets the system clock while we are waiting on a condition, the outcome could be an aburdly long wait, hanging the application.

With pthreads, Linux has an option to use CLOCK_MONOTONIC with the pthread condition. A monotonic clock is a clock that always advances at a steady rate, even if the system clock is reset.

Both Darwin and Linux have a monotonic clock, but Darwin does not allow you to use it with pthreads, only Linux. We use the system clock.

Darwin has a non-portable function that will do a relative wait. We implement a function here that is a wrapper around that function, and an analogous implementation in Linux. The pthread conditions have their clock set to the CLOCK_MONOTONIC clock when they are created above.

TK Move these notes on suprious wakeup.

Returns the number of milliseconds remaining for the timeout. The condition may be signaled before the timeout, due to suprious wakeup, but the conditions that caused the caller to wait may not have changed. The caller may want to wait for the remaining amount of time, instead of trying for the the full amount.

We wouldn't worry about this if a timeout meant that the user would recheck invariants, as is the case for the reaper thread call of this function, but for the call to this function from done, the timeout signifies the amount of time that the

void pthread_cond_waitforabit(pthread_cond_t *cond, pthread_mutex_t *mutex,
    int millis) {
  struct timespec timespec;
  if (millis > 0) {
#ifdef __MACH__
    timespec.tv_sec = millis / 1000;
    timespec.tv_nsec = (millis % 1000) * 1000000;
    pthread_cond_timedwait_relative_np(cond, mutex, &timespec);
    clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, timespec);
    timespec.tv_nsec += millis  * 1000000;
    timespec.tv_sec += timespec.tv_nsec / 1000000000;
    timespec.tv_nsec += timespec.tv_nsec % 1000000000;
    pthread_cond_timedwait(cond, mutex, &timespec);
  } else {
    pthread_cond_wait(cond, mutex);


The start function calls the launch function.

static void* launch(void *data);

The launch function calls the reap function.

static void* reap(void *data);

Called by start, launch and reap.

static void signal_termination();

Free the copy we made of the plugin server program name and arguments to pass to the to the plugin server process.

The second argument to our relay program is the status pipe file descriptor number. We don't know that number when we make our copy of the client supplied arguments, so we leave it null. We always have at least four arguments in the array, so we can safely skip the second argument when it is null, because it can never be the array terminator.

static void free_argv() {
  int i;
  if (process.argv) {
    for (i = 0; process.argv[i] || i == 1; i++) {
      process.argv[i] = NULL;

Close all open pipes, except for the instance pipe and the plugin stub side of the stdio pipes. The reaper pipe is never shared with children and lives for the life of the plugin attendant. We keep the same file descriptor for the plugin stub side of stdio between restarts, so that the plugin stub can cache the file descriptors.

static void close_pipes() {
  int pipeno;
  close_pipe(PIPE_STDIN, 0);
  close_pipe(PIPE_STDOUT, 1);
  close_pipe(PIPE_STDERR, 1);
  for (pipeno = PIPE_FORK; pipeno <= PIPE_CANARY; pipeno++) {
    close_pipe(pipeno, 0);
    close_pipe(pipeno, 1);

The start function is called first at library load, then subsequently from the client provided abnormal exit handler. The client can choose to launch the plugin server process with different arguments each time.

You can only call this once at library load from outside of the abend handler. After calling this once from outside, the function must only be called from within the abend handler in the thread that invokes the abend handler. You can assign new arguments and abend handlers at each restart.

We could assert that with thread local storage for the reaper thread, and passing instance numbers through the launcher thread, but we won't.

static int start(const char* path, char const* argv[])
  int err, argc, i, running;
  size_t size;

Assert that we're not being called while the one and only plugin server process is already running. You're not calling the addendant functions in the correct order.

  running = process.running;


Reset our error codes and increment the instance count.

  process.errors.attendant = 0;
  process.errors.system = 0;

Close any pipes that might still be open.


Count the number of arguments to the plugin server program.

  for (argc = 0; argv[argc]; argc++);

Create an array to store the arguments passed to the relay program.

  size = sizeof(char *) * (argc + 5);
  process.argv = malloc(size);
  FAIL(!process.argv, START_CANNOT_MALLOC, fail);
  memset(process.argv, 0, size);

The arguments to the relay program are name of the plugin process program and the plugin process program arguments. We copy those values into the null terminated arguments array. The first argument is the file descriptor number for the status pipe, which we've not yet created, so leave that NULL.

  process.argv[0] = strdup(process.relay);
  process.argv[1] = NULL;
  process.argv[2] = malloc(32);
  FAIL(process.argv[2] == NULL, START_CANNOT_MALLOC, fail);
  sprintf(process.argv[2], "%d", process.canary);

  process.argv[3] = strdup(path);
  for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
    process.argv[i + 4] = strdup(argv[i]);
    FAIL(process.argv[i + 4] == NULL, START_CANNOT_MALLOC, fail);
  process.argv[argc + 4] = NULL;

Create a launcher thread.

  err = pthread_create(&process.launcher, NULL, launch, NULL);

  trace("start", "success");

  return 0;

TODO Do we signal_termination here? Yes. Sort this out.

  return -1;


Recycle the file descriptors on the plugin stub end of the stdio pipes. We create a pipe in a temporary variable. Duplicate the plugin stub end of the pipe, assigning it the file descriptor of the previous plugin stub file descriptor. We then close the temporary plugin stub end file descriptor and record the plugin server process end in our static process structure.

static int recycle(int pipeno, int parent) {
  int temp[2], child = parent ^ 1, err;
  err = pipe(temp);
  FAIL(err == -1, LAUNCH_CANNOT_CREATE_STDIN_PIPE + pipeno, fail);
  HANDLE_EINTR(dup2(temp[parent], process.pipes[pipeno][parent]), err);
  HANDLE_EINTR(close(temp[parent]), err);
  process.pipes[pipeno][child] = temp[child];
  return err; 

Duplicate the file descriptor on plugin process server end of a stdio pipe. This function is called once for each stdio pipe. It is called after fork and prior to the exec of the relay program. Only can only make async-safe system calls. Errors are reported through the status pipe.

static void duplicate(int spipe, int pipeno, int end, int fd) {
  int err; 
  HANDLE_EINTR(dup2(process.pipes[pipeno][end], fd), err);
  if (err == -1) {
    send_error(spipe, START_CANNOT_DUP_STDIN_PIPE + pipeno);

It is possible for the read above to be interrupted by a signal. It does not seem possible for an interrupt to occur in the middle of an eight byte read such that the read is partial. The write operation on a pipe is atomic for less than PIPE_BUF which is at least 512 bytes. It would seem that the read is also atomic. It would seem that it would be atomic for the 4k page size that appears everywhere in Linux. It doesn't say so, and in fact, the Linux man pages state that, according to POSIX, read is allowed to return a number of bytes read when EINTR can occurs.

These errors are given special error codes in the 900 range, indicating that they are theoretical errors. I do not expect them to occur. If you get one of these, let me know your platform.

Encapsulates a test for an error condition that will never happen.

#define PARTIAL_READ(actual, expected, code, label) \
  FAIL(actual != expected, PARTIAL_ ## code, label)

launch — Launch will fork and exec our relay program. The relay program will close open file handles, reset signal handlers to the default disposition, then launch the plugin server process.

static void *launch(void *data)
  int status, confirm, spipe, err, i, code[2];

Join the reaper thread. We do not need the result.

  pthread_join(process.reaper, NULL);

Create new pipes for stdio that reuse the file descriptor of the plugin stub side of the previous stdio pipes. The pipe file descriptors stay the same for the life cycle of the plugin, saving us some thread sychnornization headaches.

  recycle(PIPE_STDIN, 1);
  recycle(PIPE_STDOUT, 0);
  recycle(PIPE_STDERR, 0);

Create the remaning four pipes. The details of the pipes can be found in the annotations above under the heading Pipes.

  for (i = PIPE_FORK; i <= PIPE_CANARY; i++) {
    err = pipe(process.pipes[i]);
    FAIL(err == -1, LAUNCH_CANNOT_CREATE_STDIN_PIPE + i, fail);

Except for STDIN, all the read ends of the pipes are close on exit.

  for (i = PIPE_STDOUT; i <= PIPE_CANARY; i++) {
    fcntl(process.pipes[i][0], F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);

The write ends of the STDIN and FORK pipes are close on exit.

  fcntl(process.pipes[PIPE_STDIN][1], F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);
  fcntl(process.pipes[PIPE_FORK][1], F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);

Make the first argument to relay the string value of the status pipe.

  spipe = process.pipes[PIPE_RELAY][1];
  process.argv[1] = malloc(32);
  FAIL(process.argv[1] == NULL, LAUNCH_CANNOT_MALLOC, fail);
  sprintf(process.argv[1], "%d", spipe);

  trace("launch", "fork");

Let us fork.

  process.pid = fork();

A zero pid means that we are the child process.

  if (process.pid == 0) {

We are in a race to fork. There is little we can do here because our host application might be a multi-threaded application. Many system calls and standard library calls are off limits. We can't malloc, for example. We want to setup our pipes and launch our relay program, which will do the reset of the cleanup.

Create a pipe for stdout.

    duplicate(spipe, PIPE_STDIN, 0, STDIN_FILENO);
    duplicate(spipe, PIPE_STDOUT, 1, STDOUT_FILENO);
    //duplicate(spipe, PIPE_STDERR, 0, 1, STDERR_FILENO);

Duplicate the pulse pipe to the file descriptor specified at attendant initialization. dup2 will close the target file descriptor if it is open. If the aribitrarily chosen fd assigned to the write end of the pipe is by conicidence the canary file descriptor, dup2 does nothing.

    HANDLE_EINTR(dup2(process.pipes[PIPE_CANARY][1], process.canary), err);

    execv(process.relay, process.argv);

If we are here, we did not execv. If we execv, the program is replace with the relay program so this code is not executed. If we are here, we report the error that occurred at execv.

    send_error(spipe, START_CANNOT_EXECV);

We must call _exit and not exit. The exit call will trigger any atexit handlers registered by the host application. The _exit call will not.



We are the parent. The child will never get here because of either the execve or the _exit.

We have failed to do so much as fork. Why does fork fail? Not enough memory to copy the process, not enough memory in the kernel to allocate the housekeeping, or there is resource limit on the number of processes.

  FAIL(process.pid == -1, LAUNCH_CANNOT_FORK, fail);

Close the child end of all of the pipes we've just created. We do not close the reaper pipe, of course, because it lasts for the life time of the plugin attendant.

  close_pipe(PIPE_STDIN, 0);
  close_pipe(PIPE_STDOUT, 1);
  close_pipe(PIPE_STDERR, 1);
  close_pipe(PIPE_FORK, 1);
  close_pipe(PIPE_RELAY, 1);
  close_pipe(PIPE_CANARY, 1);

Wait for the fork pipe to close. It will be a read that returns zero bytes. We're only interested in a successful return. The buffer will be empty.

  HANDLE_EINTR(read(process.pipes[PIPE_FORK][0], &confirm, sizeof(confirm)), err);

Close the file descriptor of the plugin stub end of the status pipe.

  close_pipe(PIPE_FORK, 0);

Many of the error checks below are assertions, not exception handlers.

What follows are a lot of error conditions that can only occur if someone, probably me, breaks the plugin attendant itself. We're testing that the operating system does indeed pass to a program the arguments we ask it to pass. We're testing that when we write to a pipe, that the same data will be read from the pipe.

We're confirming the values that we've fed to the relay program as arguments, that the relay program is echoing back to us through its pipes. This is were checking every error code becomes academic.

This is why test coverage, especially at this level, can be a rabbit hole. To get 100% coverage, we'd have to create a different version of the relay program that triggered errors that are theoretical. It would have to send only three bytes of an integer, to simulate a partial pipe read. A pipe write of under 512 bytes is atomic, so the only way to trigger this error is to create a bogus relay program, or else hack the operating system.

The relay will write the status pipe file descriptor to stdandard out.

  HANDLE_EINTR(read(process.pipes[PIPE_STDOUT][0], &confirm, sizeof(confirm)), err);

If zero, the standard I/O pipe hung up, it means the relay did not execute or exited immediately.

  if (err == 0) {

Read the error code.

    HANDLE_EINTR(read(process.pipes[PIPE_RELAY][0], code, sizeof(code)), err);

Zero bytes returned means the relay program exited immediately because we fed it a malformed status pipe file descriptor. It won't write an error because it doesn't have a status pipe. You can see above that we format the file descriptor correctly, so consider this an assertion.


Theoretical error. Read is probably atomic for under 4k.

    PARTIAL_READ(err, sizeof(code), FORK_ERROR_CODE, fail);

Set the plugin attendant error code and system error number.

    process.errors.attendant = code[0];
    process.errors.system = code[1];


    goto fail;

  } else {

Theoretical error. Read is probably atomic for under 4k.

    PARTIAL_READ(err, sizeof(confirm), STDOUT_STATUS_PIPE_NUMBER, fail);

Assert that we passed the correct file descriptor through stdout.

    FAIL(confirm != spipe, LAUNCH_RELAY_PIPE_STDOUT_FAILED, fail); 

Read the status pipe file descriptor number from the status pipe itself.

    HANDLE_EINTR(read(process.pipes[PIPE_RELAY][0], &confirm, sizeof(confirm)), err);

Assert that the relay pipe is still open.

    FAIL(err == 0, LAUNCH_RELAY_PIPE_HUNG_UP, fail); 

Theoretical error. Read is probably atomic for under 4k.

    PARTIAL_READ(err, sizeof(confirm), STATUS_PIPE_NUMBER, fail);

Assert that we passed the correct file descriptor through the status pipe.

    FAIL(confirm != spipe, LAUNCH_RELAY_PIPE_STDOUT_FAILED, fail); 

Now know that our status pipe is setup correctly, read an error if any.

  HANDLE_EINTR(read(process.pipes[PIPE_RELAY][0], code, sizeof(code)), err);

Zero means we hung, up. which is wonderful. Our plugin server process is up and running. Otherwise, the relay program encoutered an error.

  if (err != 0) {

Theoretical error. Read is probably atomic for under 4k.

    PARTIAL_READ(err, sizeof(code), EXEC_ERROR_CODE, fail);

Set the plugin attendant error code and system error number.

    process.errors.attendant = code[0];
    process.errors.system = code[1];


    goto fail;

Call the application developer provided connector to initiate the plugin stub to plugin server process IPC.

  process.connector(process.pipes[PIPE_STDIN][1], process.pipes[PIPE_STDOUT][0]);

Our server process is now up and running correctly. Time to launch the reaper thread. This reaper thread monitor the plugin server process for termination.

  pthread_create(&process.reaper, NULL, reap, NULL);

Don't need these anymore.


  trace("launch", "success");
  return NULL;


  trace("launch", "failure");

  if (process.pid > 0) {

There is no logic in the relay that doesn't exit immediately. If it is hung and a SIGKILL is necessary, then plugin attendant is broken.

    kill(process.pid, SIGKILL);

Reap the process. If the host application is set to ignore SIGCHLD then we skip this step.

    if (process.waitable) {
      HANDLE_EINTR(waitpid(process.pid, &status, 0), err);

Close the pipes we created.


Release the arguments.


We go into our abend procedure.


  return NULL;


The reaper thread waits for the plugin server process to exit by polling to the canary pipe for hang up. We do this because we cannot count on waitpid.

There are two ways in which the exit status from the server process may be intercepted. First, we might not be able to use waitpid at all, because the host program set SIGCHLD to SIG_IGN. Second, if SIGCHLD is waitable, the host application might be doing a blanket wait, and it might reap the child process, obtaining the pid, leaving us with an ECHILD error. Thus, we don't bother saving the exit code.

static void* reap(void *data)
  static int REAPER = 0, CANARY = 1;
  int input[2], instance = 0,
    sig = SIGTERM, timeout = -1, hangup = 0, shutdown = 0;
  int status, err, fds[2], i, j, count;
  struct pollfd channels[4];
  char buffer[2048];

  fds[0] = process.pipes[PIPE_STDOUT][0];
  fds[1] = process.pipes[PIPE_STDERR][0];

Join the reaper launcher. We do not need the result.

  pthread_join(process.launcher, NULL);

Tell the library stub functions that we are running.

  (void) pthread_mutex_lock(&process.mutex);
  process.running = 1;
  process.restarting = 0;
  (void) pthread_cond_signal(&process.cond.running);
  (void) pthread_mutex_unlock(&process.mutex);

Loop until the plugin server process exits.

  do {

The other end of the canary pipe is held by the library server process. It is not used for communication, only to detect the termination of the library server process. When it closes, we know we are terminated.

The instance pipe is a way for the plugin stub to tell the reaper thread that the library server process has become unresponsive. We can be awoken by the instance pipe, telling us that the library stub functions have detected a dead server process. When we get an instance number, we will kill the running process if the instance number is greater than the current process instance number.

If instance number is -1, a shutdown is pending and we continue to wait on the canary pipe. When it closes, we know not to restart the server.

Poll the instance and canary pipes.

    channels[REAPER].events = POLLIN;
    channels[REAPER].revents = 0;

Might be visiting this twice, due to SIGTERM, then getting a new instance number. Ah, but the instance number can't be greater than the current number, because it only gets incremented in the launcher thread, so this is okay. Unless we get a scram, but that is fine too.

    channels[CANARY].events = POLLHUP;
    channels[CANARY].revents = 0;

    channels[REAPER].fd = process.pipes[PIPE_REAPER][0];
    channels[CANARY].fd = process.pipes[PIPE_CANARY][0];

We're going to simply drain standard out and standard error of the plugin server process. We do not log the output. It would be just as reasonable to close the pipes, or ignore them, but we drain them as long as we have this loop to drain them with.

    count = 2;
    for (i = 0; i < sizeof(fds) / sizeof(int); i++) {
      if (fds[i] != -1) {
        channels[count].events = POLLIN | POLLHUP;
        channels[count].revents = 0;
        channels[count].fd = fds[i];

    trace("reap", "poll");

    HANDLE_EINTR(poll(channels, count, timeout), err);

Not terribly concerned about errors here. If we encounter them, we ignore the pipes, so problems flow back to the server process.

TODO Test me. Write some junk to standard out.

    for (i = 2; i < count; i++) {
      if (channels[i].revents & POLLIN) {
        HANDLE_EINTR(read(channels[i].fd, buffer, sizeof(buffer)), err);
        if (err == -1) {
          channels[i].revents = POLLHUP;
      if (channels[i].revents & (POLLHUP | POLLERR | POLLNVAL)) {
        for (j = 0; j < sizeof(fds) / sizeof(int); j++) {
          if (fds[j] == channels[i].fd) {
            fds[j] = -1;

Note that, errors here make the situation hopeless. If we encouter errors with the process monitoring pipes, we go to the shutdown state.

Did the monitored process terminate?

    if (channels[CANARY].revents & POLLHUP) {
      trace("reap", "hangup");
      hangup = 1;
    } else if (channels[CANARY].revents != 0) {

Did we get an instance number from the plugin stub?

    if (channels[REAPER].revents & POLLIN) {

Read the message from the user.

      HANDLE_EINTR(read(process.pipes[PIPE_REAPER][0], input, sizeof(input)), err);

      if (err != sizeof(input)) {

Any error reading the instance pipe means we shutdown for good.

        if (err == -1) {
        } else {

      } else if (input[0] == -1) {
        trace("reap", "shutdown");
        shutdown = 1;
      } else if (input[0] > instance) {

We will restart if we get an instance number higher than the static instance number. If we get a -1 we shutdown.

        trace("reap", "instance");
        instance = input[0];
    } else if (channels[REAPER].revents != 0) {

If we're getting unexpected errors from reading the pipes, we've entered an unstable state. We don't want the plugin attendant itself to hang, and it can't seem to rely on useful behavior from pipes, so we nuke it from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.

    if (process.errors.attendant) {

Trigger a shutdown.

      shutdown = 1;

Leave the reaper pipe polling loop.

      hangup = 1;

Nuke it from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.

      kill(process.pid, SIGKILL);

Note if we got a shutdown from the instance pipe. The next time we detect that the plugin server process has exited, we will not try to restart it.

We trigger both shutdown and running thread conditions. The shutdown function waits to know that the process has shutdown. Other functions wait for the process to run again, and this will wake them so then can see that the process will never run again.

    if (shutdown) {
      (void) pthread_mutex_lock(&process.mutex);
      process.shutdown = 1;
      (void) pthread_cond_signal(&process.cond.running);
      (void) pthread_cond_signal(&process.cond.shutdown);
      (void) pthread_mutex_unlock(&process.mutex);
      shutdown = 0;

If we are restarting but have not received a hang up, kill. First with a SIGTERM then with a SIGKILL. We give the process a half second to shutdown after a SIGTERM, but wait indefinately after the SIGKILL.

    if (instance > 0 && !hangup) {
      kill(process.pid, sig);
      timeout = sig == SIGTERM ? input[1] : -1;
      sig = SIGKILL;

Repeat until the plugin server process exits.

  } while (!hangup);

  trace("reap", "hungup");

TODO Log restart reason? No. We have no good reason. Or, hmm... Sure, why not?

The waitable flag was determined at initialization. We never check again. A host application that changes SIGCHLD disposition every now and again is far to shabby to support.

If we are waitable use waitpid.

  if (process.waitable) {

Our host application might also be waiting on the pid, by using a global wait to wait until any child terminates. That means that the host application might be the one to reap the child. If that is the case, then we got an error and errno is ECHILD, meaning that the child does not exist. The non-existance of the child is death enough for our purposes.

So, ECHILD is not really an error, we are retrying on EINTR, so that leaves EINVAL, which we're not going to trigger. Let's move on.

We wait for the child process to exit, blocking until it exits.

    HANDLE_EINTR(waitpid(process.pid, &status, 0), err);

  } else {

There is a theoretical race condition, where the process id may be reused. When a pid is released by the operating system, the operating system can reuse it. It is released when the child process is reaped, when wait is called, or child signals are ignored or simply not generated due do SIGCHLD beign set to SIG_IGN, as is the case here.

We have a race condition where the the library server child process exits, the host program spawns a new child, and that new child is assigned the pid of the dead, reaped library server child process. If this occurs during our timed wait, then when we wake up, kill will tell us that, yes, there is a child with the pid you requested, and it is alive and kicking.

On the target operating systems targeted at the time of writing, pids appear to get assigned in sequential order, wrapping when the pid values approach the maxiumum value of the pid type. Which means that we're in a race with 60,000 process starts and exits. Likely we will win.

Then, the pid, when it does comes around again, needs to be assigned to a child process spawned by our the owner of our host application, because kill can only send signals to processes owned by the same user. (Unless we're running as root, but that is madness.)

There are operating systems that, for security reasons, assign pids randomly. This may make it more likely that our pid will get reassigned to a new process, baring any logic in the randomizer that holds off on reusing a pid for a few ticks. Again, it has to be the same user as the host application that draws the pid for it to be problem.

It is one of those things were the standard promises only so much. The standards says only that the pid is reserved until the child is reaped.

Thus, there is a theoretical race condition here. In fact, the same race condition applies to the waitpid branch if the host application reaps the child before us. Oh, the peril.

Loop while the pid is still valid.

    while (getpgid(process.pid) != -1) {

Wait for a quarter of a second and check the pid again. We use a condition that is used only for this test. We want the timeout, not the signaling. The wait will cause us to release the mutex.

      pthread_cond_waitforabit(&process.cond.getgpid, &process.mutex, 250);



The thread return value is unused.

  return NULL;


Cleanup when we fail to start the launcher thread, fail to launch the plugin server program, or detect that the plugin server process has exited.

static void signal_termination() {
  int instance;

Don't need the process identifier anymore.

  process.pid = 0;

Dip into our mutex.

  (void) pthread_mutex_lock(&process.mutex);

Take note of whether we sould invoke the abend handler. Reset for an orderly restart. Do not reset shutdown here, only stopped.

  process.restarting = !process.shutdown;
  process.running = 0;
  instance = process.instance;

Signal any thread waiting on a running state change.

  (void) pthread_cond_signal(&process.cond.running);


  (void) pthread_mutex_unlock(&process.mutex);

If we've decided to try a restart, call the abend handler.

  if (process.restarting) {

Call the starter to restarter the server process.


If the abend handler did not call start, then it has decided to shutdown. We are no longer restarting, and we can signal a process state change to wake any library stub threads waiting on restart in shutdown.

Trigger both shutdown and running. The shutdown function waits to know that the process has shutdown. Other functions wait for the process to run again, and this will wake them so then can see that the process will never run again.

    (void) pthread_mutex_lock(&process.mutex);
    if (process.instance == instance) {
      trace("terminate", "shutdown");
      process.restarting = 0;
      process.shutdown = 1;
      (void) pthread_cond_signal(&process.cond.running);
      (void) pthread_cond_signal(&process.cond.shutdown);
    (void) pthread_mutex_unlock(&process.mutex);


ready — Called by the plugin stub after the initial call to start to wait for the plugin server process to start.

static int ready() {
  int ready;

We block until either we are ready or have entered the shutdown state. If we enter the shutdown state, we know that we will never run again.

  while (! process.running && ! process.shutdown) {
    pthread_cond_wait(&process.cond.running, &process.mutex);
  ready = ! process.shutdown;

  trace("ready", "exit");

  return ready;


After initialization, the plugin server process is supposed to run, without interruption, until the orderly shutdown of the plugin server process, prior to unloading the plugin library.

The plugin attendant exists to launch the plugin server process, and to restart it quickly in the event of an early, unexpected exit. The plugin attendant will notice that the plugin server process has disappeared. It will call the client supplied abend function, which can in turn tell the plugin attendant to start the plugin server process, or it can descide to give up and make the plugin unavailable.

Early, unexpected termination of the plugin server process creates the potential for a disruption of server perceptible to the end user. This potential cannot be eliminated.

Do not take this as an admonishment to write a plugin server process that crashes never. Quite the opposite. The nice part about an out-of-process architecture is that the consequences of failure are isolated. If you detect that the plugin server process is in an invalid state, you can crash it and get a new clean state. Leave a log behind and the new process can send a crash report back to the mothership (with the end users's blessing) as its first action on recovery.

You must, however, accept that there will be a seam in your plugin that the user may have an occasion to see. You must develop a tolerence for imperfection, because intolerence for imperfection is how crazy is made. A belief that you have eleminated imperfection is the inevitable delusion. But, we're not Java programmers here.

A strategy of crashing in response to exceptions means that you're plugin server process needs to be reentrant. That is, you should be able to terminate at any point, and the new process will be able to pick up the peices and resume where you left off.

This is going to be hard to understand for those of you who are steeped in the Kabuki of try/catch exception handling, or worse, checked exceptions. It is a different approach from try/catch exception handling. You build your exception handling into your development cycle. You do not try to build it into your function call stack.

A plugin server process that crashes when no one is looking will be restarted by the plugin attendant. It will probably go unnoticed by the end user.

It is far more likely that the plugin server process will crash while servicing a request of the plugin stub. The plugin stub will probably detect the crash. It will need to wait for restart to retry the request on behalf of the user.

The plugin stub is going to be using pipes, sockets or message queues to communicate with the server process. Any reasonable method of IPC will have ways to report that the other participant is missing, or offer a way to timeout a request. The plugin stub must use these mechanisms to detect an unresponsive server. It cannot take the presence of plugin process server for granted.

There is no way for the plugin attendant to erect a barrier that the plugin stub could rely upon to prevent it from connecting to a dead or hung plugin process server. The crash may come at any time, perhaps at the moment just before a pipe read. Rely instead on the operating system to report the success or failure of inter-process communication.

The plugin stub may detect that the plugin server process has become unresponsive. If the plugin server process is hung, the plugin attendant has no way of knowing. In this case, the plugin stub will have to initiate an early, unexpected shutdown, then wait for the restart.

This is, in fact, our default action when the plugin stub detects that the plugin process server must restart. It signals to the plugin attendant that the plugin attendant should restart the plugin process server, if the plugin attendant hasn't already detected the failure itself.

The retry function of plugin attendant has a mechanism that will prevent a race condition where the plugin attendant and one or more plugin stub threads all discover that the plugin server process has crash, and all race to restart it. In such a case, the plugin server process would be restarted more than once for a single detected crash. This may lead to infinate restarts as plugin threads would demand a restart of a crashed server, that was crashed only because other plugin threads had just demanded the same.

retry — Report that IPC with the plugin server process failed, indicating that the plugin server process is either crashed or hung.

The retry method will checks the last instance number of the plugin server process known to the current thread. If the currently running plugin server process has an instance number that is greater, retry will return true and the plugin stub should retry communication with the plugin process server. If the instance numbers are equal, and the plugin attendant believes that the plugin server process is running, then the running flag is set to false, and the reaper process is send the instance number through the instance pipe.

static int retry(int milliseconds) {
  int err, *instance, terminate = 0, message[2];

Get the current value of the thread local instance.

  instance = ((int*) pthread_getspecific(process.key)); 

If there is no instance, we allocate one. The cleanup function associated with the thread local key will free the pointer at thread exit.

  if (instance == NULL) {
    instance = malloc(sizeof(int));
    *instance = 1;
    (void) pthread_setspecific(process.key, instance);

Dip into our mutex.

  (void) pthread_mutex_lock(&process.mutex);

  fprintf(stderr, "Process instance is %d and %d term %d\n", process.instance, *instance, terminate);

If the process instance equals our thread local instance and the process is running, then we are the first stub thread to report that this instance has died.

  if (process.instance == *instance && process.running) {

We are the only client thread that can reach this point. We mark the plugin server process as not running. We will send a message to the reaper thread to restart the plugin server thread, but outside of this mutex.

    process.running = 0;
    terminate = 1;
  fprintf(stderr, "Process instance is %d and %d term %d\n", process.instance, *instance, terminate);


  (void) pthread_mutex_unlock(&process.mutex);

Send the instance number through the pipe. This wakes the reaper thread and tells it that the given instance has hung. The reaper process will kill the thread using SIGTERM, then SIGKILL.

TK Already awake.

  if (terminate) {
    trace("retry", "terminate");

    message[0] = *instance;
    message[1] = milliseconds;
    HANDLE_EINTR(write(process.pipes[PIPE_REAPER][1], message, sizeof(message)), err); 

Wait for the server to be ready again.

  if (ready()) {

Grab the instance number state.

    (void) pthread_mutex_lock(&process.mutex);
    *instance = process.instance;
    (void) pthread_mutex_unlock(&process.mutex);

Stash the instance number in thread local storage.

    (void) pthread_setspecific(process.key, instance);

    trace("retry", "again");

Return true to indicate the IPC is running again.

    return 1;

  trace("retry", "shutdown");

Return false if we've shutdown, indicating that a retry of IPC is pointless.

  return 0;


shutdown — Orderly shutdown is when we tell the plugin attendant to expect an exit, and to not attempt to recover from the exit, it is the final exit before the plugin is unloaded.

The happy path is as follows.

  • The plugin stub calls shutdown to inform the plugin attendant that shutdown is pending. The plugin attendant will not attempt restart the next time it detects plugin server process shutdown.
  • The plugin stub should use its chosen method of IPC to inform the server process to shutdown.
  • The plugin stub should then use the done function to wait for the attendant to shutdown.

This procedure should take place when the plugin library is unloaded. It must be performed once and should not be called twice, or worse, at the same time from multiple threads.

We assume that when the plugin stub calls shutdown that it is not waiting on completion of calls to the plugin server process, and that it will make no more calls to the plugin server process after shutdown is called.

The unhappy path is that the libary server process has crashed and is in the midst of a recovery when the plugin stub calls initiates shutdown. The plugin stub will use a form of IPC to request shutdown of a plugin server process that is not running, that the plugin attendant is restarting.

The plugin stub should account for this condition. If the call to initiate an orderly shutdown hangs up, call the scram function to terminate the plugin server process with extreme prejudice. Then use the done function to wait on exit.

We do not attempt to restart a crashed server so that we can tell it to shutdown. You need to design a plugin server process that does not perform an elaborate shutdown.

static int shutdown() {
  int err, running, shutdown[2] = { -1, 0 };

Tell the reaper thread that shutdown has come. It will not attempt to restart the library server process the next time it exits.

  HANDLE_EINTR(write(process.pipes[PIPE_REAPER][1], shutdown, sizeof(shutdown)), err);

Dip into our mutex to check and see we're not in the middle of a server restart. If we are in the middle of a server restart, we may as well wait for it to finish before we continue.

  (void) pthread_mutex_lock(&process.mutex);
  while (process.restarting) {
    trace("shutdown", "restarting");
    (void) pthread_cond_wait(&process.cond.running, &process.mutex);

Wait for the shutdown flag to set, otherwise a call to done is going to report an invalid state.

  while (! process.shutdown) {
    trace("shutdown", "shutdown");
    (void) pthread_cond_wait(&process.cond.shutdown, &process.mutex);

If we invoke the user abend function, and it doesn't want to restart, then we will be both terminated and shutdown. We may have failed to launch the process. The process may have launched and crashed, and the reaper did the reaping befere this thread could make process. In any case, we are now shutdown and terminated, so there is no point in trying to send a shutdown signal to the never to be again library server process.

Also, even though we are in the running state, the process might be crashing at this moment, so the orderly shutdown signal might not work. We cant' say that it will work, but in certain cases we can say that it won't.

Note if we are running.

  running = process.running;

  (void) pthread_mutex_unlock(&process.mutex);

  trace("shutdown", "exit");

  return running;

Want a timeout to escalate to kill. Or does kill happen in here?

static int done(int timeout) {
  int done, shutdown;

  if ((shutdown = process.shutdown)) {

TODO Is this what we're waiting for? TODO Need to fix timeouts to that they try again if they exit early.

    if (process.running) {
      do {
        pthread_cond_waitforabit(&process.cond.running, &process.mutex, timeout);
      } while (process.running && timeout <= 0);
  done = ! process.running;

TODO Are you going to join a destroyed process? No, but multiple joins are bad. TK Document that you can only call this from one thread.

  if (done) {
    pthread_join(process.reaper, NULL);

  trace("done", "exit");

  return done;

Shutdown immediately with a SIGKILL.

TODO What is the correct return value?

static int scram() {
  int err, scram[] = { INT_MAX, -1 };

Must be able to send two shutdowns. Then poll must be able to detect that not all of the stuff has been read, poll must not block if the buffer is not drained.

  if (shutdown()) {

Send a huge instance number down the pipe. This is going to trigger a restart, an unrecoverable one, and a last one. No other scram or retry will be able to trigger a restart, because they will not be able to send a greater instance number to supersede the maxium instance number send by this scram.

We'll try a SIGTERM term first, as usual, then a SIGKILL.

    HANDLE_EINTR(write(process.pipes[PIPE_REAPER][1], scram, sizeof(scram)), err);

    trace("scram", "initiated");

    return 1;

  trace("scram", "shutdown");

  return 0;

Return the last error recorded by the attendant.

static struct attendant__errors errors() {
  return process.errors;

Called when the library unloaded. This will not shutdown the server process. You must shutdown the server process, though. Do that before calling destroy.

♠ —

static int destroy() {
  int i;

Release our mutex and signaling devices.


Release the path to the relay program.

  process.relay = 0;

Release the file descriptors reserved for the plugin stub side of the stdio pipes.


Release the reaper pipe.


Release the trace points, if any.

#ifdef _DEBUG
  for (i = 0; process.trace.points[i]; i++) {

  (void) pthread_mutex_destroy(&process.trace.mutex);

  trace("scram", "success");


  return 0;


struct attendant attendant =
{ initalize
, start
, ready
, retry
, shutdown
, done
, scram
, errors
, destroy
#ifdef _DEBUG
, tracepoints

Had a realization while considering restart. I'd initially thought that I'd leave it to the client programmer to choose between polling or an abend callback, but in the end I realized that I don't have to support a use case that I'm not going to use. This is me imaginging someone chastising me for not offering an option, an arbitrary option, that occured to me out of nowhere. To my mind, someone will request this someday, so I'd better think about it now.

Who? When? And why must I now design this for them? Why must I test it? Why is it on me to support the mythical guy shouting gimmie in my inbox someday? They ought to provide the patch, the tests, and the justification for adding a logical paths that do not yet exist.