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There is a lot of work to do to create clean slate for our server process, and the easiest way to get there is to have an intremediate program occupy the process.

Initially, I tried to do this was going to take place in the attendant library start up function, linked to the host application, after fork and before execve. That whole block of code felt like a race condition.

By stepping on this stepping stone, we do our setup in an exec'd program in a far less fragile state that a fork within a multi-threaded program.

#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <errno.h>

Contains error code that will be written to stderr and read by a startup thread running in the host application launched by the attendant library.

#include "errors.h"
#include "eintr.h"

The first argument to the program is file handle of a pipe used to report errors to the library proecess start thread in the host application. We use this extra pipe instead of STDERR or STDOUT because it will be closed on exec. We set all non-stdio file descriptrs to close on exit so that the server process will not inherit file descriptors from the host application. The start thread blocks on the extra pipe reading a error code an errno written using the send_error function. If it gets an EPIPE instead of an error code, it knows that the relay program is done and the server program has exec'd, so it knows that there were no errors in the relay program.

static int spipe, pulse_pipe;

True if a file handle is a stdio file handle.

int is_stdio(int fd) {
  return fd == STDIN_FILENO || fd == STDOUT_FILENO || fd == STDERR_FILENO;

When the host application is a multi-threaded application, many for the standard library functions are unavailable between fork and execvp. We cannot call malloc for example. That presents a problem for us in our file handler cleanup code.

The only reliable way to get a list of file handles from Linux or OS X is to do a directory listing of "/dev/fd". The opendir function calls malloc. Thus, we cannot do a directory listing between fork and execve.

We could do a directory listing before we fork, but now we have a race condition. After fork, the set of open file handles is fixed. We have a copy of all the file handles in the parent, but after fork, if the parent opens a file, the forked child will not see it. The child will only see the file handles that it opens itself.

Before we fork, we can create a list of open file descriptors in an array, but from the moment we're done reading the directory listing of "/dev/fd", to the moment we fork, another thread may open a new file.

I got the point that I was thinking that the library server process would want to double check that an inherited open file handle was skipped. From there I realized that I might as well load an intermediate program that does this cleanup. Do it once and do it right.

Furthermore, the well-behaved host application is going to set FD_CLOEXEC flag on the file it creates. This would close those file descriptors in the child process when execve is called in the startup thread. The set of inherited file descriptors after fork is every open file descriptor in the host application. Doing the file descriptor cleanup here, after execve, will probably mean fewer file descriptors to close.

Rather than closing the file descriptors, we set the close on exec flag FD_CLOEXEC. This is because the attendent library in the host application has fed us a senty file descriptor that is the write end of a pipe. When we set FD_CLOEXEC on that file descriptor and then execve, a read from the read end of the pipe will generate and EPIPE. This program will send a success code through STDERR prior to execve. If the startup thread recieves the success code, it reads from the senty pipe until it gets an EPIPE. At that point it knows that the server program has been loaded into the process.

void set_close_on_exec() {
  DIR *dir;
  struct dirent *ent;
  int fd;

  dir = opendir("/dev/fd");
  if (dir == NULL) {
    send_error(spipe, RELAY_CANNOT_OPEN_DEV_FD);
  } else {
    while ((ent = readdir(dir)) != NULL) {
      fd = atoi(ent->d_name);
      if (! is_stdio(fd) && fd != dirfd(dir) && fd != pulse_pipe) {
        fcntl(fd, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);

Signals need to be returned to their default disposition. When forked, the child process will inherit signal handlers and their settings. After an execve, however, signals are reset to their default disposition, except for those signals that the host application chose to ignore. Ignored signals in the parent process are also ignored in the exceve process.

We check to see if any signal handlers are set to SIG_IGN. If so, we return them to the default SIG_DFL. The server program will then have a blank slate of signal handlers.

We don't gaurd against a host application that considers us an attacker. The library process attendent is linked into a dynamically loaded library implemented to extend the an application that provides a plugin mechanism. The host application will have loaded the plugin. The host application should expect the plugin to open files, sockets, etc.

This is because the attendent library is dynamically loaded into a host application, where the library has no control over the global environment. It cannot make assumptions about the disposition of signal han

This process is going to close down any file handles left open from out library launcher. It doesn't have any restrictions on signal handlers, memory allocation, file handles, threads. It can use what ever resources it wants, close things up, and then execve.

int reset_signals() {
  struct sigaction sig;
  int signum;
  for (signum = SIGHUP; signum < NSIG; signum++) {
    sigaction(signum, NULL, &sig);
    if (sig.sa_handler == SIG_IGN) {
      sig.sa_handler = SIG_DFL;
      sigaction(signum, &sig, NULL);

The first argument is our status pipe, so me make sure it is alive. If we didn't even get a first argument, we just exit. If we did, we convert it and write to stdout. The start thread will listen for this and assert that we're going to use the correct pipe for status reporting. If it doesn't get the correct fd on stdout, it knows that we weren't able to get past this step. If we send the wrong fd, then the start thread can record the error and give up on launching the server process altogether, because that would be a really fundimental error.

void get_status_pipe(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  int err;
  if (argc < 2) exit(127);
  spipe = atoi(argv[1]);
  if (spipe == 0) {

Can't be right.

  HANDLE_EINTR(write(STDOUT_FILENO, &spipe, sizeof(spipe)), err);
  if (err == -1) {

Now we prove to the start thread that the pipe is working by sending the pipe fd back trough the pipe itself.

  HANDLE_EINTR(write(spipe, &spipe, sizeof(spipe)), err);
  if (err == -1) {

Now we know that error reporting will work correctly, so check that we have a program to run specified by an absolute path before we go one.


void get_pulse_pipe(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  char *end;
  int err;
  if (argc < 3) {
    send_error(spipe, RELAY_PULSE_PIPE_MISSING);
  pulse_pipe = atoi(argv[2]);
  if (pulse_pipe == 0) {
    send_error(spipe, RELAY_PULSE_PIPE_MALFORMED);

We check to see that we received a program name and that the path is absolute. We'll let execl determine if the program does actually exist as an executable on the filesystem.

void verify_arguments(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  if (argc < 4) {
    send_error(spipe, RELAY_PROGRAM_MISSING);
  if (argv[3][0] != '/') {
    send_error(spipe, RELAY_PROGRAM_PATH_NOT_ABSOLUTE);

void execute(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  char *args[ARG_MAX];
  char *path = argv[3];
  int i;

  args[0] = path;
  for (i = 0; i < argc - 4; i++) {
    args[i + 1] = argv[i + 4];
  args[argc - 3] = NULL;

fprintf(stderr, "path %s\n", path); for (i = 0; args[i]; i++) { fprintf(stderr, "arg %s\n", args[i]); }

Obliterate ourselves.

  execv(path, args);

If we are here then execl failed.

  send_error(spipe, RELAY_CANNOT_EXEC);

Perform the cleaning operations and execve the server process.

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

Get the first argument, the status pipe, where we report any errors.

  get_status_pipe(argc, argv);

Get the second, the pulse pipe that we're not supposed to close.

  get_pulse_pipe(argc, argv);

Check that the third argument is a relay program. The remainder of the arguments are arguments for the relay program.

  verify_arguments(argc, argv);

Reset signals.


Set all non-stdio file handles to close on exec.


Call execve to replace this relay program with the server program.

  execute(argc, argv);

This program ought to have been replaced by the library server program by now. If not, it would have sent an error and exited. If we are here, we have failed and failed at failing. The shame. It burns.

  return EXIT_FAILURE;