Thu Nov 22 2018 01:48:19 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time)

We revisit Cadence 3.0 loop primers. Must about the cost of labels. Consider the difference between breaking from loops and breaking from cadences.

Explicit Loop Primers

In our last experiment with explicit loops we preserved the use of a function returned from the cadence creation function call as the optional primer for the loop.

var silly = cadence(function (async, count) {
    async.loop(function (count) {
        if (--count == 0) return [ async.break ]
        else return [ count ]

silly(function (error) { if (error) throw error })

Because the loop primer is optional, the returned function is not always necessary. The fact that the primer is placed at the end of the declaration makes it somewhat difficult to read. Wouldn't it make more sense to display the start of the loop with the primer arguments right next to the first step function signature?

var silly = cadence(function (async, count) {
    async.loop([ 0 ], function (count) {
        if (--count == 0) return [ async.break ]
        else return [ count ]

silly(function (error) { if (error) throw error })

With the primary right next to the first step, you might immediately see the argument passed from one iteration of the loop to the next with its initial value, then read through a lot of code knowing that it is going to end with the next loop value, but on your very first read of the code you'll have an example argument value in the form of the primer value.

We obviously create some ambiguity when we do not provide a primer but our first step is a finalizer or a try/catch. We might either require the primer, or else we have to document the ambiguity and hope that our dear user does not find it to be too magical.

For the sake of consistency, which I'm sure our dear user will prize, we should make and async.forEach accept the array they operate on as the first argument of an arguments array.

var sum = cadence(function (async, values) {
    async.forEach([ values, 0 ], function (value, index, sum) {
        return sum + value

sum([ 1, 2, 3 ], function (error, sum) {
    if (error) throw error
    assert(sum, 6, 'summed')

Such a departure form the seemingly anonymous parenthesis at the end of our cadences, and with all the muddle of creating an array as an to each loop solely for the purpose of grouping those variadic arguments. A little jangly aesthetically, but no performance cost, since with the primer function we'd have to convert the arguments of the primer function to a proper Array so it could be stored until we're ready to start the loop by calling the first step with the Array using Function.apply.

Breaking from Cadences

I'd imagined that I'd had some way to distinquish between breaking from a the immeidate cadence and breaking from a loop. In practice, it always does what I expect it to do, but it appears that this might be a matter of luck.

It appears that with async.break we do break out of the outer-most loop, not the inner-most and not the immediate cadence. With our new looping logic, async.break will always break out of the the inner most loop. To break out of an outer loop you would use a loop label.

var grep = cadence(function (async, dirs, re) {
    var search = async.loop([], function () {
        if (dirs.length == 0) {
            return [ async.break, null ] // breaks from `search`
        var dir = dirs.shift()
        async(function () {
            fs.readdir(dirs.shift(), async())
        }, function (files) {
            async.loop([], function () {
                if (files.length == 0) {
                    return [ async.break ] // breaks from file loop
                fs.stat(files[0], async())
            }, function (stat) {
                var file = path.resolve(files.shift(), dir)
                if (stat.isDirectory) {
                } else {
                    async(function () {
                        fs.readFile(file, 'utf8', async())
                    }, function (body) {
                        if (re.test(body)) {
                            return [ search.break, file ] // breaks from `search`

grep(__dirname, /function/, function (error, file) {
    if (error) throw error

The above example is a function that searches through files and returns the first file that matches the regular expression, thus breaking from the inner loop of files.

Breaking form the Immediate Cadnece

My idea for breaking from a cadence as opposed to a loop is to use async.return, but I'm starting to wonder if this is every really necessary. If I did need to break I could use the new async.block concept described below, but don't I usually want to continue a loop?

var f = cadence(function (async) {
    async(function () {
        async([function () {
            fs.readFile('config.json', 'utf8', async())
        }, function (error) {
            return [ async.return, {} ]
        }], function (body) {
            return JSON.parse(body)
    }, function (config) {
        config.size || (config.size = 256)
        return config

In the above example async.break would cause the function to return early. You could return {} from the catch block and have it parsed, which is something I've done in the past, but the above seems to be a real life example, valid and useful.

Cost of Labels

There are times when you want a label but no loop. We'll look for this in our existing code after the refactor. It is not common. It might be because there is no good way to break form the immediate cadence when there's an exception, but that might not be too common either.

Sat Mar 04 2017 19:20:25 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time)

Cadence 3.0 loops.

Either explicit with async.loop.

Otherwise, implicit.


For each would once again be invoking the starter with an array as the first argument.

var sum = cadence(function (async, values) {
    async(function (value, index, sum) {
        return sum + value
    })(values, 0)

sum([ 1, 2, 3 ], function (error, sum) {
    if (error) throw error
    assert(sum, 6, 'summed')

To map, we again pass in an array as the first argument and we add an empty array as the last argument.

var multiply = cadence(function (async, factor, values) {
    async(function () {
        return value * factor
    })(values, [])

multiply(2, [ 1, 2, 3 ], function (error, mapped) {
    if (error) throw error
    assert.deepEqual(mapped, [ 2, 4, 6 ], 'summed')

If you want to invoke the loop starter without starting a for each loop but still pass in arguments, then the loop should be null. You will need to break the loop yourself.

var silly = cadence(function (async, count) {
    async(function (count) {
        if (--count == 0) return [ async.break ]
        else return [ count ]
    })(null, count)

silly(function (error) { if (error) throw error })

The documentation starts by describing for each and map, then walks back the array looped over by for each.

Now we have an amibuity when we want to pass parameters to a for each when the last parameter could potentially be an array value. In early days of Cadence before named forEach and map this ambiguity seemed irreconcilable. It is one of the reasons why I opted for named forEach and map. They way I see code today, however, ambiguity resolution is as simple as instructing our dear user to pass a null literal as a last parameter to defeat mapping.

TK This is an example of defeating map and getting garbage out of a function that uses map. What we really want is a for each function that makes good use of an array, maybe we loop over an array building an object using another array as an indexOf lookup of valid members.

var sum = cadence(function (async, values, start) {
    async(function (value, index, sum) {
        return sum + value
    })(values, start, null)

sum([ 1, 2, 3 ], 3, function (error, sum) {
    if (error) throw error
    assert.equal(sum, 9, 'summed')

sum([ 1, 2, 3 ], [], function (error, sum) {
    if (error) throw error
    assert(isNaN(sum), 'did not map')

TK Better example. Try to find better values. Ugh. Why would you pass the array in though? Makes the point that this is an ambiguity that is never encounted.

var byDepartment = cadence(function (async, employees, departments) {
    var grouped = {}
    async(function (value, index, departments) {
        if (~departments.indexOf(employee.department)) {
            var department = grouped[employee.department]
            if (department == null) {
                department = grouped[employee.department] = []
    })(employees, departments, null)

byDepartment(employees, [ 'shipping', 'accounting' ], function (error, sum) {
    if (error) throw error
    assert(employees['shipping'].length > 0, 'have some shipping staff')
    assert(employees['accounting'].length > 0, 'have some accounting staff')

byDepartment(employees, [], function (error, sum) {
    if (error) throw error
    assert.equal(employees.length, 0, 'no staff')

TK Having written that it could be as simple as: filter(array, array, callback), oh, duh, 'union' and 'difference'. Hmm... And if the reduced result is the reduced array, the difference array. Okay, come back to this.

Optional Labels

For both the implicit and explicit directions, I'd like to make loop labels optional. Currently they're necessary.

var sum = cadence(function (async, values) {
    var sum = 0, index = 0
    var loop = async(function () {
        if (index == values.length) {
            return [ loop.break, sum ]
        sum += values[index]

sum([ 1, 2, 3 ], [], function (error, sum) {
    if (error) throw error
    assert.equal(sum, 6, 'summed')

async.break and async.continue would break from the current loop.

var sum = cadence(function (async, values) {
    var sum = 0, index = 0
    async(function () {
        if (index == values.length) {
            return [ async.break, sum ]
        sum += values[index]

sum([ 1, 2, 3 ], [], function (error, sum) {
    if (error) throw error
    assert.equal(sum, 6, 'summed')


Now that I've laid out implicit, explicit is the same but with names to distinguish loop, forEach and map.

For each is pretty much the same.

var sum = cadence(function (async, values) {
    async.forEach(function (value, index, sum) {
        return sum + value
    })(values, 0)

sum([ 1, 2, 3 ], function (error, sum) {
    if (error) throw error
    assert(sum, 6, 'summed')

Mapping is called by name, no special array sigil.

var multiply = cadence(function (async, factor, values) { () {
        return value * factor

multiply(2, [ 1, 2, 3 ], function (error, mapped) {
    if (error) throw error
    assert.deepEqual(mapped, [ 2, 4, 6 ], 'summed')

Invoking a loop with parameters means calling loop and invoking a primer.

var silly = cadence(function (async, count) {
    async.loop(function (count) {
        if (--count == 0) return [ async.break ]
        else return [ count ]

silly(function (error) { if (error) throw error })

No ambiguities between forEach and map to resolve.

Labels are still available. Also, note that you don't have to invoke the loop primer if you're not priming.

var sum = cadence(function (async, values) {
    var sum = 0, index = 0
    var loop = async.loop(function () {
        if (index == values.length) {
            return [ loop.break, sum ]
        sum += values[index]

sum([ 1, 2, 3 ], [], function (error, sum) {
    if (error) throw error
    assert.equal(sum, 6, 'summed')

Labels are still optional.

var sum = cadence(function (async, values) {
    var sum = 0, index = 0
    async.loop(function () {
        if (index == values.length) {
            return [ async.break, sum ]
        sum += values[index]

sum([ 1, 2, 3 ], [], function (error, sum) {
    if (error) throw error
    assert.equal(sum, 6, 'summed')

Sat Mar 04 2017 19:00:46 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time)

Considering some changes for a Cadence 3.0 with the notion of of going one direction or another with loops.

The direction I set out to go was to replace the loop starter function with with an explicit async.loop method that takes a cadence definition.

Muddled thinking at first that this implementation is somehow costly. As always, I run down my muddle so that at some point I might see how my thought process works. It bothered me that I'd still have to return a loop starter in order to provide argumnets to the loop. It seems liked I was adding complexity and computation. The sentiment was that, ugh, that function that is also an object with meaningful properties is still there, and I after I added things too, so there must be more stuff.

It occurs to me now though, that I'd no longer be returning a loop stater from every cadence declaration. That would save a great many moments, I'm sure.

Fri Mar 03 2017 22:57:15 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time)

Loops could use break and continue and default to looping and breaking from the Cadence so that there is no error. Then we can have async.loop. We can simplify the default label by assigning it to the Cadence object, which we are doing already anyway, you pass in the loop label.

async.loop(function () {
    return [ async.break ]