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Asynchronous, streaming HTML templating for Node.js and the browser. The same templates that pre-generate your HTML5 and stream the results are then run in the browser. You can push data through them and they'll update the DOM.

Routing is file system driven. The directory path is the URL path.

Routes are transported to the browser so you can have a single page pushState application and SEO friendly server-side generated pages on the first visit.

What does all this cost you? Not much. The template and routing engine are tiny at less than <5k. The same engine that runs in the browser runs in the server in Node.js and it runs fast. No PhantomJS trickery.

The template engine is both asynchronous and streaming.

And the best part about Stencil; there's not a thing MVC about it!

You don't need to build an object to feed the template engine. If you add a tag that needs an asynchronous data, the call is made by the template. If you remove that tag, the call is removed. You don't have to update three artifacts to remove the call.

Asynchronous calls are transparent. There are no callbacks expressed in the template themselves. Anyone familiar with PHP ought to be able to author templates.

Plus, you get tag libraries and layout libraries to further encapsulate asynchronous calls. You can build a tag library to hand off to a web team familiar with PHP or JSP. They'll be writing highly-asynchronous Node.js programs and they won't even know it.

Managing resources is simple and done via Browserify so that of the plumbing of your Stencil application has a Node.js feel to it. Browserify bundles your application JavaScript and Stencil templates and sends it in a single request to overcome latency.

Finally, Stencil is an API first web framework. Templates on pull their data from your API whether they run on the server or in the browser. You can build your API right along side your Stencils using Register, a CGI-like API framework that uses the same file system based routing logic as Stencil.

And We're Done

I'm updating Stencil now. Here's where I'm at...

I build Stencil as a MicroJS template library, but the main goal was templates that run on both the browser and server. The server part makes Stencil silly as a MicroJS templating language. The Stencil engine supports tags and layouts organized into libraries. That organization needs an organizational convention. The Stencil engine can run on the server, which implies a default Stencil server. They Stencil engine can run in the browser, which implies a pushState library to invoke the Stencils.

Thus, I find myself writing a web framework. The core is still a MicroJS library, but the Stencil template engine is not a simple string templating engine. No one would ever use it without scaffolding.

Now the base engine is so small because it is built on top of XML. The templates are XML templates. The based template language is an XML language. Here's another problem for adoption. People hate XML. No one more than myself.

Thus, the current state of Stencil is that I'm writing a template language called the Stencil language that compiles into XStencil. The Stencil language looks like ERB and I hope will feel like some of ye olde Perl templating languages that I once loved (I yearn for you tragically, Mason.)

Your Input Is Welcome

Thoughts on Stencil? Join the Discussion.



  [ if (personnel.length) ] {
    <p>Employee directory:
      [ each (personnel) |employee| ]
        <li><a href=('mailto:' +>[<< ]</a>
      [ end ]
  } [ else ] {
    <p>Downsizing successful!


[ library ] {
  [ tag document ] {
      <title>[<< $attributes.title ]</title>
      [ block head ]
      <h1>[<< $attributes.title ]</h1>
      [ block body ]

Pages laid out.

[ o.document include=(o: "./layout.stencil") title="Hello, World!" ] {
  [ o.head ] {
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
  [ o.body ] {
    <p>Hello, World!</p>
<o:document xmlns:s="stencil"
            title="Hello, World!">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
    <p>Hello, World!</p>

The same templates run on the browser and in Node.js, so you can use the same logic you use to serve a generate page to refresh that page.

The Rest is XStencil

Sorry, folks. The rest is XStencil. I'm going to create Stencil and XStencil examples of everything and let you toggle between languages. You'll want to use Stencil, but there are some applications, Facebook I believe, that still use XHTML, so until I sort out support for Facebook, I'm going to keep all the XStencil examples I created, and consider how to serve XHMTL.

But, I hate XML more than a pocket full of angry bees, so if I can make XML go away completely, I shall. (But, it won't. The Stencil engine is tiny because of XML.)

Stencil on the Server

On the server, we create a template and serialize it to HTML5. You can also serialize to older HTML flavors for older browsers.

Stencil on the Browser

On the browser, when we generate Stencil XML, we simply import it into the existing DOM using Document.adoptNode.

The value Directive

The value directive inserts a value from the context into the DOM. The value attribute takes a select property. The select property is evaluated as a JavaScript statement. The return value of the statement is converted to string and added to the DOM.

Here we evaluate the JavaScript expression 1 + 1.

TK: Side by side; like a boss!

<p><%= 1 + 1 %></p>

This generates a document with the statement calculated.


Of course, in practice, you're going to want to insert the values from the object you've pushed through the stencil.

  Greetings , 
  and welcome to the bureaucracy.

This template assumes a person property has been added to the context object.

  Greetings Kafka, Franz
  and welcome to the bureaucracy.

You can also insert HTML into your document using the value directive by setting its type attribute to html. Generally, you want to put your HTML in your stencil, not in your data, but there are some exceptions. You might be generating HTML from user supplied markdown, or you might be rendering data that has been edited by a rich-text editor, like in a content management system.

Here's a ridiculous example, we've placed a JavaScript string with HTML in the select attribute and set the type attribute to html.

Hello, World!' %>

The select attribute value is evaluated as JavaScript, so we need the inner quotes, because it is a JavaScript string. The string is then parsed as HTML and the HTML is inserted into the document.

Hello, World!

Of course, you're not going to hard code HTML into a value directive like this but instead insert HTML from a property in your context object.

The with Directive

The with directive is almost exactly like the each directive, except that it always operates on an object. When you pass an object or scalar, it will assign the value to the variable named in the as property.

The each directive also does this, treating an object or scalar as an array of one item, but with is going to make a lot more sense when you read your templates.

Note that when you use with to select an Array value, the array is not iterated. The array is assigned to the variable specified by the as attribute; not the array values.

The when Directive

The when directive is used to only update a section of a template if the data is available. When the when directive is encountered during an update, the select attribute is evaluated, if it evaluates to true, then the contents of the when directive are re-evaluated. It it evaluates to false, then the contents are left as they are.

This is useful if you have generated a page and are checking the server for updates, but only to certain dynamic sections of the page.

If, for example, you have a blog page that has an article and a sidebar, you might be updating the sidebar with recent comments. You want to push a new collection of recent comments through your Stencil, but if you don't also provide the article, the Stencil will erase your article.

Here's how we avoid that.


  Recent Comments


The when directive is primarily for updates, since it is assumed that you'll have all your data on hand when you first generate the page on the server side. However, if during generation a when directive evaluates to false, it behaves as an if directive, removing the content. It will then generate the content on the next update where the when directive evaluates to true.

TODO: Should the when directive support else?

The Context Object

From within your templates you can reference the context object itself either by referencing this or the special variable dollar sign $ with is an alias for for this.

You can also use the dollar sign $ alias, if you find that more aesthetically pleasing. TK: Huh? Am I still doing this?

But, again, why? Only because I'm doing this stupid thing with prototypes that I'm going to try to document right here...

The stencil Object

The stencil variable contains a special object added to the context by the Stencil that has properties of the current template. The stencil variable is constantly reset and overrides and variable assignments by the user.

The stencil Object offers the following properties and methods.

TK: Find a place to write more about json(url) and send the readers of this section to that place.

Tag Libraries

Using the same language as used in templates, Stencil supports the creation of tag libraries. With tag libraries you can doe more to hide the complexity of a template. You can create tags that name collections in application domain.

Passing Parameters to Blocks

When you create tags you're going to want to have them add values to the caller's template context, TK what? blech! ... many useful tags are going to fetch data and then expose it to the caller. This is done with a params attribute on the block directive. Use the params directive to define a single JavaScript object that will be visible to the caller.

You can all this tag from your template and it will create a property in the template context named $numbers, that is, the tag name with dollar sign $ in front of it.


``` ```xml ``` The output of this template is, of course: ```html ``` The caller can always rename the reserved using the as operator `|`. ```erb <% t.numbers="" |digits|="" %=""> <% end="" %=""> ``` ```xml ``` Note that the object is only visible inside the body of the tag. When you define your parameter object inside the tag library, there's maybe a bit of a problem in that you won't know it's name, which may or may not matter, it is so early in the life of Stencil for me to know. So, when you define your object, you can reference the user provided name of the object using `$name`. ```erb <% library="" %=""> <% tag="" numbers="" %=""> <% 3="" block="" ({="" one:="" 1,="" two:="" function="" (callback)="" {="" callback(null,="" this[$name].one="" +="" 1)="" },="" three:="" })="" %=""> <% end="" %=""> <% end="" %=""> ``` ```xml ``` The above calculates the value of `two` using the value of `one`, referencing the generated object in the context using the special variable `name`. ### Creating Evaluated Tag Properties Sometimes you will want to specify an evaluated property in your tags. We have a tricky trick for your tag definition that will give you want you want. When you want the user to provide you with a statement that you can use in an `each` or `value` directive, do a double evaluation in your tag library. Here is a minimal example, we're going to create an alias for the `value` directive named `say` that has an evaluated called `stuff`. As you can see, we use an evaluated attribute for the `select` attribute of the `value` directive in the tag. The evaluated select attribute will use the `stuff` attribute passed to the tag. ```erb <% library="" %=""> <% tag="" say="" %=""> <%= $attribute.stuff="" %=""> <% end="" %=""> <% end="" %=""> ``` ```xml ``` When the template author is ready to say stuff, he invokes the `say` tag with an ordinary `stuff` attribute, he doesn't have to know that it's evaluated. The attribute `stuff` has a value of `"1 + 1"`. That is not evaluated. It is passed into the tag as `$attributes.stuff`. Inside the tag, `$attributes.stuff` has a string value of `"1 + 1"`. The evaluated `select` attribute of value evaluates `$attributes.stuff` and creates a `select` attribute for the `value` directive with a string value of `"1 + 1"`. ```erb

<% t.say="" stuff="1 + 1" %="">

``` ```xml

``` The `value` attribute will then evaluate the `select` attribute, unaware and unconcerned that it was once an evaluated attribute. It's not a static attribute as far as the `value` attribute is concerned. It evaluates the JavaScript statement `1 + 1` and gets `2`. Here is the output. ```html


``` You'd probably want to use `select` as your attribute, instead of `stuff` because it follows convention and requires less explanation. We use `stuff` in the example above to make it easier to pick out the working parts. TK: Talk about the select auto-magic select examples. Here's a slightly more complicated, every-so-slightly more realistic example. Here we put our select attribute into an evaluated select attribute of an `each` directive. We're creating a `loopy` tag. ```erb <% library="" %=""> <% tag="" loopy="" %=""> <% each="" $($"" |item|="" %=""> <% tag="" item="" %=""><%= item="" %=""><% end="" %=""> <% end="" %=""> <% end="" %=""> <% end="" %=""> ``` ```xml ``` Here's how we use it with the object `{ numbers: [ 1, 2, 3 ] }`. As you can see, we pass in the string `"numbers"` in a select attribute. It does not get evaluated. It is passed into the tag as the property `$`. The value of `$` will be the string `"numbers"`. When we use an evaluated `select` attribute with the `each` directive, it evaluates to the value of `$` with is `"numbers"`. That creates a select value for the `each` directive that is `"numbers"`. That is evaluated by the `each` directive to obtain the numbers array. ```erb ``` ```xml ``` TK: Maybe just a bogo each example `t.eachy`? Which gives us the html. ```html ``` ## Remember * It's not a query tool. It's a templating tool. ## Expand * Functions must have no side-effects; i.e. do not use your template functions to create a hit counter. * It's not hard to write template functions that do not have side effects. The sort of functions that might have side effects are not likely to appear in the logic that supports emitting markup. ## Motivations Revisiting the ideas explored in a [Java based Stencil]( Stencil is asynchronous HTML5 templating for Node.js and the browser. It based on some ideas from yesteryear and some ideas from tomorrow. This project evolved from work with Streamline and CoffeeScript. That work has been moved to a project named [Pastiche]( ## Philosophy Especially when dealing with a library that has a goal of being small, you're limited as to how much scaffolding you can offer developers. My approach for Stencil is to define three roles, application developer, web developer, and web designer, and say the first two roles labor to create a childlike sense of wonder in the latter role. An application developer creates APIs that the web developer can query. The web developer wraps those APIs in tag libraries, so that the web designer can focus on semantic layout. ## Change log Changes for each release. ### Version 0.0.7 * Specify port at command line. #123. ### Version 0.0.6 * Implement HTML values. #43. * Print `DOCTYPE` when serializing. #84. * Implement `with` directive. #103. * Remove `$` variable. #109. #107. * Create and document `stencil` object. #119. * Implement `when` directive. #61. * Remove `context` from callback signature. #116. * Remove used parameter fix ups. #117. * Test `null` to remove an attribute. #115. * Implement block parameters. #114. * Rename `into` attribute to `as`. #105. * Recursion inside a tag definition. #112. * Test and document evaluated tag attributes. #113. * Bodied sub-tag and reentering caller scope. #89. #85. #59. #51. #25. * Implement `recurse` directive. #102. * Fix aspect ratio of image. #111. ### Version 0.0.5 Mon Apr 22 19:07:43 UTC 2013 * Fix non-directive with attribute child directives. #108. ### Version 0.0.4 Tue Apr 16 14:15:19 UTC 2013 * Add `request` and `response` to Stencil service. #106. this -->z