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A process monitor that watches a single out-of-process server on behalf of a dynamically loaded plugin running within the context of a host application.

On Documentation

I'm documenting what I've written. I'm not defending what I've written. If you think you can do better, submit a patch. If I disagree, then fork. If you find a bug, tell me, please. Otherwise, before you tell me that there is something wrong, try to make sure you understand the inherient compromises.

It took a longer to write this than I would have expected. If you don't have time to read the documentation, I can't read it to you. If you were to email me directly, I might type out something just about as long. But, please, do ask questions, and suggest documentation patches if this is confusing.

Now Helicon must needs pour forth for me, And with her choir Urania must assist me, To put in verse things difficult to think. — Dante


The plugin attendant was written for use in an NPAPI plugin, but there is no NPAPI specific code here. There are no NPAPI function calls or header files.

I imagine that this plugin attendant could work with any similar plugin architecture, where a host application loads a plugin that is implemented as dynamically linked library.

If you've found this, you've probably discovered that it is no simple matter to launch a process from an NPAPI plugin, let alone monitor it, signal it, and obtain its exit status. It really is not that simple.


The plugin attendant launches and monitors a single process.

With this single process, you can implement an out-of-process plugin architecture. Your plugin functions as a proxy to an out-of-process plugin server that performs the real work of the plugin. It isolates the complexity of the plugin in a separate process, so that a catastrophic error will destabilize only the plugin server, and not destabilize the host application.

The out-of-process architecture divides a plugin into a plugin stub, a plugin attendant, and a plugin server process. The plugin stub is the library loaded by the host application that implements the plugin interface according to the plugin API. The plugin server process is an out-of-process service that implements the plugin logic. The plugin attendent, seen here, monitors the process, restarting it if it exists unexpectedly.

Within its out-of-process container, your plugin is free to do whatever it wants, to take whatever shape it needs to take. It is not limited by the architecture of the host application. It has its own process space. It doesn't have to worry about deadlock against and races with unknown host application threads. It can use the full compilment of services available to it on its host operating system.


The plugin attendant launches plugin server process when the plugin library loads. It monitors the plugin server process while the plugin is in service. It terminates the plugin server process when the plugin unloads.

Although technically a child process on UNIX, the plugin server process does not act as a child in the classic pre-fork worker architecture. The plugin server acts as a daemon, an isolated and entirely separate process running on the same machine as the plugin stub. It may as well have been launched by the operating system as a system service.

The plugin attendant does not provide a framework for an out-of-process plugin architecture. It does provide the essential service of launching and monitoring the external server from within the host application. It does not provide a inter-process communication strategy. You can use the IPC facilities of your operating system to design an ideal strategy for your plugin.

The plugin attendant maintains a set of redirected standard I/O pipes, standard input, standard output, and standard error. These pipes serve as the minimum inter-process communication channel between the plugin stub and the plugin server process. You can use standard I/O and command line arguments to estabish furher inter-process communication channels, using other operating system facilities such as message queues, named pipes and TCP/IP sockets.

You might decide that standard I/O is sufficient for inter-process communication between your plugin stub and the plugin server process. You are still responsible for desiging a protocol that will use the standard I/O pipes.

Plugin Server Process Requirements

The plugin server process will be like so...

  • There is one and only one instance of the plugin server process to monitor.
  • You'll know exactly where the program file is on the file system before you try to start it. No search paths here.
  • The plugin server process runs as long as the library is loaded and it shuts down when the library is unloaded.
  • On UNIX, the plugin server process will inherit an open file descriptor, with a file descriptor number of your choice. It is a canary file descriptor used to detect plugin server process exit. The plugin server process will not read from, write to, or close the file descriptor.
  • The plugin stub uses some means of IPC to communicate with the plugin server process as if the sever process were a system daemon.
  • The orderly shutdown plugin server process is initated though an IPC call, not though signals, because Windows doesn't have signals.
  • The plugin server process will shutdown fast, in under 500 milliseconds.
  • The plugin server will be reentrant.

If your plugin server process cannot exhibit this behavior, create a plugin server process that can exhibit this behavior and have it be the one to manage your aberant plugin server process.


It is difficult to implement process monitoring in fashion that

  • is portable across Widows and all flavors of UNIX,
  • cannot assume control of process monitoring facilities, and
  • works within a host application that might be surpised by the presence of a child proess that it did not create.

A plugin may be loaded into any application that implements the targeted plugin API. This means that your plugin may be loaded into host applications with different appliciation architectures.

You might be in a multi-threaded application, where forked proceses can only make async-safe system calls, anything less is thread-unsafe. It is impossible to implement a traditional forked worker when threading is employed. This is why we launch a whole new program and treat it as a daemon, instead of a worker.

You might be in an multi-process application that has registered its own signal handlers, and treats your child process as one of its own workers. You don't have control over signal handlers. You don't know who's going to reap your child process.

In both cases, you don't know what file descriptors your plugin worker process will inherit.

Of course, none of this applies to Windows. With Windows the problem is that there is no such thing as a child process. A process is isolated from the process that started it entirely. There is no signal handling, and therefore no way to signal an orderly shutdown.

In order to reliable use the standard in pipe to send data to the plugin server process on UNIX, the host application must have the signal handler for SIGPIPE set to SIG_IGN. Writing to the pipe when the plugin process server has closed will cause a SIGPIPE signal. If there is no SIGPIPE handler in place, then the unhandled SIGPIPE will cause the host application to terminate.

If there is a SIGPIPE handler in place, then the host application will handle a SIGPIPE from a child that it did not create. Testing may determine that this is not an issue, that the registered handler is doing the right thing.

OS X offers a per file descriptor flag that disables SIGPIPE, but this is not available on Linux.

You can add a test to your plugin where it writes to a pipe with a closed read file descriptor. If the host application disappears when your plugin is loaded, it is not handling SIGPIPE gracefully.

If this is the case, you should not use the standard in pipe. You can still use read from standard out and standard error. You can still send data to your plugin server process through program arguments. Using program arguments and standard output, you can bootstrap a more robust form of IPC. UNIX domain sockets, for example, can disable SIGPIPE on a per socket basis, regardless of the disposition of the SIGPIPE signal handlers.

Our ideal UNIX host application would set a benign child handler to handle SIGCHLD, or leave it the default. It would use waitpid to wait only on the exit of child processes that it created itself, allowing the plugin to use waitpid to wait on the exit of the plugin process server. It elminate SIGPIPE signals by setting its SIGPIPE handler set to the SIG_IGN disposition.

How It Works

On UNIX, the plugin server process inherits a file descriptor that is the write end of a pipe. The plugin server process must not write to this file descriptor, nor close it. The file descriptor will close when the plugin server process exits. The plugin attendant listens for the EPIPE. When it arrives it knows that the the plugin server process has terminated.

The pipe used to detect plugin server process termination is called the canary pipe.

This is how we get around a host application that has disabled child signals, or is waiting for all children and intercepting out exit signals.

On Windows we have a handle to the plugin server process and we wait for termination normally.

Life Cycle

The plugin attendant implements the following life cycle.

These actions take place during library load.

♠   initialize — The plugin is loaded and the library initailization function calls the plugin attendant initialize function.

♠   start ‐ Immediately after calling initialize, the plugin stub calls the start function to execute what we hope will be the only instance of the plugin server process we'll need.

Library load is over. You should return control to the host application now.

♠   ready ‐ Called when the host applications requests service from the plugin. It will block until the plugin server process has started running.

We allow the plugin developer to decide what to do when the plugin server process crashes.

♠   abend ‐ Is as plugin developer provided function that is called when the plugin attendant detects that the plugin server process has crashed. The abend function can opt to call the start function again to restart the plugin server process. If it does not call the start function, the plugin attendant goes into a final shutdown state.

The plugin stub might be first to detect a problem with the plugin server process, being cut off in the middle of IPC, or else discovering that that the plugin server process, while running is otherwise unresponsive.

♠   retry ‐ Called by the plugin stub after IPC fails. The function blocks until the plugin attendant successfully restarts the plugin server process, or alternatively, the plugin attendant enters the final shutdown state. If the retry method return true, IPC should be retryed. IPC should be retryed until retry returns false.

Shutdown occurs when the host application unloads the plugin library in the library deinitialization function. The plugin attendant does not send a shutdown signal to the plugin server process. Orderly shutdown is initated through IPC between the plugin stub and the plugin server process.

♠   shutdown — Called by the plugin stub to inform the plugin attendant that the next plugin server process exit is expected.

♠   done — Called by the plugin stub with a timeout duration to wait for the plugin server process to terminate.

♠   scram — If the done function times out, the plugin stub should call scram to forcibly terminate the plugin server process. It can then wait on done without a timeout.

When the plugin attendant enters the shutdown state, it cannot exit that state. The plugin server process will not run until the plugin library is reloaded by the host application, or the host application is restarted.

♠   destroy — Called after the plugin attendant has entered the shutdown state, prior the library unload, to release a smidge of memory.


If the host application does not ignore SIGPIPE, the plugin stub cannot rely on the stdin pipe to send data to the plugin server process.

You could endavour to write a plugin server process that itself will not crash, a minimal plugin server process, that in turn monitors the workhorse plugin server process, but I'm sure you're going to find a few more difficulties at that level in any case.

There are limitations to what an out-of-process server can do. If the plugin is supposed to draw a region of a window in a desktop application, for example, the plugin process might be able to render a image to fill the region, but plugin stub would have to implement the actual GDI calls to paint the image into the region on the screen.

Limitations That Aren't

The plugin attendant monitors your process even thought it might not be able to do traditional process monitoring because the host application has employed signals and is waiting on all child processes for its own process monitoring needs. The same plugin attendant API works on both Windows and multiple flavors of UNIX. With these requirements, there are some practical limitations, that ought not truly limit your abilities.

♠   The plugin attendant monitors a single plugin server process. The plugin attendant has to accomodate a host application that has reserved the process monitoring for itself. Its method of monitoring the plugin server process is dedicated to reducing conflicts between the host application and the plugin server process. It is not the robust, general purpose process monitoring you get with systemd, perl or bash.

If you need to launch multiple processes to service your plugin, then make the first process you launch a process that monitors your flock of processes. Your plugin server process can assume full control of the process monitoring facilities to manage the flock.

♠   The plugin attendant does its best to be as unobtrusive as possible, but there are some aggressive actions that it cannot survive. The host application must not close our standard I/O pipes, our canary pipe, and it must not signal our process.

Written in C.

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

struct attendant__errors {
    int attendant;
    int system;

On UNIX a pipe is a file descriptor. On Windows, a pipe a HANDLE.

#ifdef _WIN32
typedef HANDLE attendant__pipe_t;
typedef int attendant__pipe_t;

struct attendant__initializer {
  void (*starter)(int restart);
  void (*connector)(attendant__pipe_t in, attendant__pipe_t out);

The full path to the plugin attendant relay program. This program will ensure that all file handles are closed and signal handlers reset. It the responsibility of the plugin developer to distribute the relay program and make it available to the plugin attendnat.

  char relay[FILENAME_MAX];
#ifndef _WIN32

The file descriptor number for the plugin server process side of the canary pipe. Must not conflict with the file descriptor numbers assinged to standard I/O by the operating system. The plugin developer has the option to specify the file descriptor number to avoid any conflicts. If you don't care, then make an arbitrary decision.

  attendant__pipe_t canary;


There is one instance of the plugin attendant that monitors only one instance of the plugin server process. The plugin attendant functions are contained within a structure which emulates a namespace. The plugin attendant functions are called by referencing them within the structure. An invocation of the plugin attendant function would appear as attendant.initialize() in client code.

struct attendant {

initialize — This must be called to initialize the the monitor before any other functions are called. Call initialize during the global initialization of your library, followed by the initial call to start.

TODO Re-docco.

  int (*initialize)(struct attendant__initializer *initializer);

start — Called to start the plugin process server when the plugin library is loaded. Also called from within the plugin developer provided abend function to restart the plugin in the event of an early, unexpected restart.

The start function can be called by the abend function, if the abend function decides to restart the plugin server process. The abend function should only call the start function once in response to an abnormal exit.

Otherwise, the start function should only be called once outside of the abend function, to start the plugin process server when the plugin library loads.

The abend callback must take precautions to be thread safe. It will be called from a different thread than the thread that performed the first call to the start function. If you need to reference variables shared by the rest of your plugin stub, those variables need to be gaurded by a mutex.

After the plugin attendant enters the shutdown state, it cannot be restarted. See the shutdown function for more details on the shutdown state.

TODO Re-docco.

  int (*start)(

The aboslute path to plugin server program.

    const char* path,

A null terminated array of program arguments.

    char const* argv[]


ready — Called after the initial call to start to wait for the plugin server process to start before IPC.

The ready function should guard any function that could be called by the host application after library load. If your plugin API has a subsequent initialization function after library load, like a plugin object constructor, you can place a call to ready there.

If the host application can call any plugin function after library load, you'll have to call ready at the start of every function. A call to ready is not expensive, though, so don't contort your plugin to avoid calling it.

The ready function blocks until the plugin server process has started. There may still be a race condition where the plugin stub makes a call to the plugin server process over an IPC channel that the plugin server process has yet to initialize. To avoid this race condition, you could use the stdout pipe to listen for an okay of some kind form the plugin server process.

The standard I/O pipes will be established when the ready function returns true.

If the ready function returns false the plugin attendant has entered the final shutdown state and the plugin process will never run. This would be due to a catastrophic error, such a missing plugin server program file.

  int (*ready)();

retry — Report that IPC with the plugin server process failed, indicating that the plugin server process is either crashed or hung.

Calling retry will cause the plugin attendant to initiate a restart of the plugin server process. It will not initiate a restart if it hasn't already detected the plugin server process failure itself.

The retry function is thread-safe. Multiple plugin stub threads can report that the plugin process server is missing or unresponsive. The plugin attendant will only restart the plugin server once.

The retry function blocks until the plugin attendant successfully restarts the plugin server process, or alternatively, the plugin attendant enters the final shutdown state. If the retry function return true, IPC should be retryed. IPC should be retryed until IPC succeeds, or retry returns false.

If retry returns false, the plugin attendant has entered the final shutdown state. The plugin server process will not be restarted. The reason may be obtained using the errors function. If the attendant error code is 0, that indicates that there is no error, and the plugin attendant entered the final shutdown state due to an orderly shutdown.

  int (*retry)(int millis);

shutdown — Inform the plugin attendant that shutdown time has come and that the next plugin server process is expected.

The plugin attendant does not signal the plugin process server to shutdown itself. The plugin stub must tell the plugin server process to shutdown through some form of IPC.

The shutdown function only informs the the plugin attendant that it should no longer treat plugin server process exit as abnormal. That is should no longer attempt to restart the plugin server process.

Once in the shutdown state, the plugin server process cannot be restarted by the currently loaded plugin library. The plugin server process will not run again until the plugin library is reloaded or the host application is restrated.

The plugin attendant will enter the shutdown state in response to a call to the shutdown function, the scram function, or if the plugin developer supplied abend function does not call the start function to restart the server.

Additionally, the plugin attendant will enter the shutdown state in response to failed assertions. If the start function fails, or retry function fails, you should inspect the errors using the errors function, record them, and tell me about them.

Returns false if the plugin server process shutdown and will not run again. Returns true if the plugin server process is running, or not running but potentially restarting.

  int (*shutdown)();

done — Blocks until the server process terminates or the timeout expires. Call this function after an orderly shutdown or a call to scram.

An orderly shutdown consists of calling the shutdown function, then telling the plugin server process to shutdown through IPC. An orderly shutdown should be performed when the plugin library is unloaded and the library deinitialization function is called.

After initiating an orderly shutdown, wait on done with a resonable timeout. If the timeout expires, done will return false.

If done returns false you should force plugin server termination with by calling the scram function.

  int (*done)(int milliseconds);

scram — We give you a way to obliterate the process here, this triggers a hard shutdown of the process using harsh methods to pull the rug out from under your server process. Your server process will not have a chance to call any cleanup routines, it will just disappear. This is a last resort.

  int (*scram)();

errors — Returns an integer array of two elements relating to the last error encountered by the plugin attendant. The first element is a plugin attendant error code.

Errors can be checked after a failed call to one of the plugin attendant function, or else at the start of a call to the plugin developer suppliesd abend function, before any plugin attendant functions are called, to obtain the reason why the abend function was called.

Errors generated by the problems with the plugin attendant itself are really assertions. The plugin attendant has so few moving parts that if it cannot function, there is something wrong with configuration or instalation of the plugin.

Errors indicating that the plugin process cannot start would also indicate that there is a problem with configuration or installation.

When the plugin server process crashes, the errors function will give a a reason so vauge as to be useless. The plugin server process should maintain a log that can be referenced to see where it terminated, or a crash log that records the stack before exit. Using a crash reporter, and with the end user's permission, you can use this log to diagnose errors.

There are a few errors that are marked as assertions. If you detect one of these errors, then I've made an assumption about how the plugin attendant is supposed to work that your experience in the field has proven false.

Please inform me of these assertions if they arise.

  struct attendant__errors (*errors)();

destroy — Called after the plugin process server has shutdown, the plugin attendant has entered the shutdown state. Call this function after shutdown to free a few resources before the library is unloaded.

  int (*destroy)();

#ifdef _DEBUG

tracepoints — Returns a null terminated of tracepoints as formatted strings. Each tracepoint takes the form of [function/event]. For example, [initialize/success] or [reaper/shutdown].

The tracer is limited to 255 trace points. It stop gathering trace points after the limit is reached.

The trace is used only with unit testing. This is not a general purpose logging mechanism.

  char **(*tracepoints)();

The one and only plugin attendant.

extern struct attendant attendant;

Love, C.

#ifdef __cplusplus