var cadence = require('cadence')
Control-flow utilities.
var cadence = require('cadence')
Sencha Connect middleware builder.
var Dispatcher = require('inlet/dispatcher')
Event wrapper around our consensus algorithm.
var Kibitzer = require('kibitz')
Construct an http responder for the given Kibitzer
that forwards out of
band messages to the given Conduit Requester
function Middleware (startedAt, islandName, kibitzer, requester) {
var dispatcher = new Dispatcher(this)
dispatcher.dispatch('GET /', 'index')
dispatcher.dispatch('POST /oob', 'outOfBand')
dispatcher.dispatch('POST /kibitz', 'kibitz')
dispatcher.dispatch('GET /health', 'health')
this.dispatcher = dispatcher
this._startedAt = startedAt
this._islandName = islandName
this._kibitzer = kibitzer
this._requester = requester
Return an index message.
Middleware.prototype.index = cadence(function (async) {
return 'Compassion Colleague API\n'
Forward out of band requests to our Conduit Requester
Middleware.prototype.oob = cadence(function (async, request) {
this._requester.request('outOfBand', request.body, async())
Pass Kibitz envelopes to our Kibitzer
Middleware.prototype.kibitz = cadence(function (async, request) {
this._kibitzer.request(request.body, async())
Report on the health and provide general info for bootstrap discovery. = cadence(function (async) {
return {
startedAt: this._startedAt,
islandName: this._islandName,
islandId: this._kibitzer.paxos.islandId,
government: this._kibitzer.paxos.government
Export as constructor.
module.exports = Middleware